Watergate 2.0 - Could This Be Evidence of #Russiagate? [world news]


'Say It Ain't So, Joe.'

In the original Watergate, it was an American Republican President trying to cheat against the opposite American political party, the Democrats. Today there is more and more mounting evidence that the recent Presidential election of the United States might have been influenced by international powers.

For whatever reason, this did not make major news in the United States. Then coincidently, a tragic and major news event occurs in Florida, completely burying the new information coming out of Russia itself. The lawyer, journalist, activist, and Russian Presidential candidate, Alexei Navalny put together this informational video about Russian corruption that leads to the highest levels of government.

Complete Original Video - in Russian

English News with subtitles

The question is why are they doing this? The answer is always the same; for the love of Power and Money.

The harder question we should all ask ourselves is 'Why do we, the masses, let them (the few)?'

This world needs more people like Mr. Navalny, who are Not Afraid to take abusers of power to task, no matter how rich or powerful they may be.

Edit: Another Video with more info - Truthdig Video on Russiagate


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