Get Your Head Out of the Sand [memes][life][reality]



"Haters are fans in denial"
- Adam Rippon

Although it is a common misconception, ostriches do not actually bury their heads in the sand to avoid predators. It only appears that ostriches do this in the wild, leading to the denial metaphor used today to describe a person who is ignoring reality.

Horse Blinders


Another way to describe people who choose to ignore the sometimes harsh realities of life is that they are wearing horse blinders. In real life, horse blinders are used in horse racing in order to prevent the horse or horses from seeing other horses around them which could scare them. Sometimes people are said to have horse blinders when ignoring their surroundings so that their personal daily lives are not affected or altered.

The Shoes of Empathy


It is very easy to judge others without ever attempting to understand them or their plight. It takes very little effort to not care, and for many of us it is the easy way out. The more noble path is difficult since it requires us to place ourselves metaphorically in other peoples' shoes in order to better understand them and their situation. 'To walk in their shoes' in order to inspire empathy, understanding and compassion, for some of those shoes have taken tens of thousands of steps and traversed thousands of miles for a taste of so called Freedom.

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