"Fire and Fury: Is Trump a Crazy Man-Child or Crazy Like a Wolff?"

According to Michael Wolff's best-selling new book Fire and Fury, the leader of the free world is an overgrown lunatic man-child who never wanted the job in the first place.

Apparently, there is chaos in the White House. And if you were hoping Trump was going to Make America Great Again, you can just fuggetaboutdit--he's "crazy", says Wolff.

Or...is Wolff the crazy one? After all, he published his book as non-fiction, even though in the introduction Wolff says that many of the accounts "are in conflict with one another" and may be "badly untrue," according to The Hill.com.

hmmm...is Wolff crazy or is it the publishers? Both made a ton of money...so maybe it's the people who paid them the money to buy a book the writer admitted was fiction but was published as fact...hmmm...

One thing is sure, it isn't Trump. Crazy man-children rarely accomplish so much in one year.

In an article for Brietbart, John Nolte said of Wolff's book:

"...gives off the unmistakably stale aroma of last season's fake news. If we are to believe Wolff, the Trump White House is a hive of toxic dysfunction and chaos, primarily due to the fact that President Trump is a mentally unstable, illiterate man-child with no impulse control, no sense of direction, no purpose (other than self-aggrandizement), and lacks the intellect required to grasp the policy he has no interest in."

Notle contends there is just one "yuge" problem:

"A mentally unsound man-child overseeing an administration crippled by anarchy will not see a record number of his appellate judges confirmed, will not oversee the successful passage of the most important tax reform in 30 years, will not annihilate ISIS without adding a single boot on the ground.

"In just 365 days, Trump has turned around a stagnant economy, exploded the number of manufacturing jobs, seen black and Hispanic unemployment drop to record lows, opened up two oil pipelines (and all kinds of exploration), enjoyed victory after victory in the Supreme Court in pursuit of his immigration priorities, negotiated a $250 billion trade deal with China, brought North Korea to the negotiating table from a position of strength, expertly managed the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, untangled us from stupid deals known as TPP and the Paris Climate Accord, and a whole lot more."

Are these the achievements of a crazy man? If so then Donald Trump is crazy like a Wolff--Michael Wolff, the guy who made lots of money selling a book he said wasn't true.

A wise man once said: "A half-truth is even more dangerous than a lie. A lie, you can detect at some stage but half a truth is sure to mislead you for long." --Anurag Shourie, Half A Shadow

"...in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money...; they will slander others and have no self-control; they will be cruel and have no interest in what is good" --2 Timothy 3:1,3.


-CBS This Morning: Wolff Admits: Didn't Interview Any WH Cabinet Officials For Anti-Trump Book; meanwhile book flies off shelves with publisher rushing to print 1M copies.
-The Washington Times: S.Korean president credits Trump for talks with N.Korea.
-Fox News Channel: Walmart credits Trump tax cuts for pay hikes; 66% say U.S. economy 'excellent'.

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