Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trump's 'Muslim Ban': Breaking News


An emergency hearing in Brooklyn, New York just occurred that blocks part of President Trump's immigration ban that has provoked outrage in the US and abroad, the New York Times just reported 15 minutes ago. Watch the source video on ACLU's Twitter page that shows it being announced that Trump's 'Muslim ban' has just been blocked by a judge:

Trump's immigration policy, known as the 'Muslim ban' consists of:

The president’s order, enacted with the stroke of a pen at 4:42 p.m. Friday, suspended entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and blocked entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Source: New York Times

I was scanning the news this evening and learned of 4 airports in the US where there were sizable protests going on. It was learned that immigrants with visas were being detained after Trump enacted his executive order banning travelers from 7 countries. The protests were quickly formed to demand that the immigrants, caught in the middle of this ban be released.
A judge in Brooklyn has just announced that the immigrants/travelers will be released.

Here's one of the videos from the protest at JFK airport:

Here's another video that shows people at the airport protesting Trump's Immigration ban:

This news was just released within the last few minutes, so there aren't a lot of sources yet. Also, it's not clear how this block will actually function and what time period it will cover. From what I can assertain, it will allow those individuals to be released who are currently being detained at airports across the USA, who have arrived from the countries on Trump's list.

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