Gaza bombardment and Indonesian Hospital in Gaza by Israel


Israeli military aircraft have been storming the Gaza Strip since Friday, hitting 80 Hamas targets alleged in response to what they said were 30 rockets launched from Gaza.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said they launched a massive bombing attack after 30 rockets were fired in an area near the Israeli city of Sderot on Friday night. About 10 rockets, which according to the IDF flew from Gaza, were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.

The explosion was seen during an Israeli air strike in Gaza City October 27, 2018.

The IDF said they destroyed 80 Hamas targets. There were no injuries or deaths reported on either side of the Gaza border.

An Indonesian hospital in the northern Gaza Strip was reported to have been damaged by a counter-attack. Pictures from inside the hospital indicate that the ceiling is broken and one of the windows in the patient's ward is damaged. Small piles of debris can be seen lying on the floor.


image the condition of Indonesian hospitals after the Israeli attack

It was also reported that the bombing caused a power outage at the hospital.

The Israeli military did not comment on damage to medical facilities, accusing Hamas on Twitter of "intentionally" placing training camps and weapons depots "next to schools, hospitals & mosques."

Instead, the IDF released a record of attacks on what it claimed to be the "Hamas Security Service Headquarters" in Gaza. "We warned the residents of the building to evacuate several times before the attack," said the IDF spokesman.

The sound of Israeli airstrikes was heard throughout Gaza, prompting frightened locals to seek refuge.

A big explosion that briefly turned into a night was seen in the area.

IDF fighter jets continued to reach targets in Gaza on Saturday because more rockets were fired at southern Israel.


Then on Saturday, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman's office confirmed that he would hold a meeting on the situation in the Gaza Strip with high-ranking officers.

Before the attack, the IDF posted records of how air defenses repelled rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. That happened after five Palestinians were killed in protests against the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

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