romantic drama stories through this film

the story of EL The Movie itself tells a high school student named Dafychi (Aurelie Moeremans) who feel his life is very boring. However, Dafychi turned out to be a different figure at any time and very different from everyday, It is Mario (Achmad Megantara) who can change the life of Dafychi. Mario is known as a successful young entrepreneur nan is a mysterious figure that is quite strange because it always be cold and always impose each will

An intense encounter makes the seeds of love between Dafychi and Mario begin to grow. However, there are still many puzzles and mutual attitudes required by two young couples is an interesting story, EL adaptation from novel to big screen because this Luluk writing has been read up to 27 million pairs of eyes from the Wattpad site. In addition, Luluk also likes to share story ideas and menyika criticism and komentas through social media to introduce his personal ideas writing


Indonesia's latest film is also starring actors and actresses who have experienced on the big screen like Meriam Belina, Dimaz Andrean, Gigi, Verdi Soelaiman to Manohara Odelia.



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