Cognitive dissonance, can a whole country suffer from it?

Bogota, Colombia - The Colombian government has reached a peace agreement with the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary peasant group called F.A.R.C. Before reaching the agreement it was put to a referendum and the population overwhelmingly voted No, yet the accord was pushed through by the government by the use of executive orders.

The F.A.R.C- was founded in the rural areas of Colombia during the cold war as an armed answer against imperialism, free-market, democracy and the right wing politics of the conservative party. It can be argued that the FARC is the extreme left armed branch of the Colombian liberal party, although it may not be perceived as such by the national population.

Funding - for the terrorist group has been accomplished through kidnapings ransom, cocaine traffic and the general abuse, murder and terror of the population. The tactics used by this group have been denounced by international organizations for committing crimes against humanity (Source). Regardless of their status as an international terrorist organization the government of Colombia headed by president Juan Manuel Santos Wiki.
has reached a peace agreement that would allow members of FARC to return to civilian life without having to pay for the crimes committed in the almost 50 years of the conflict.

The peace - agreement would give the leaders and members of the dissident groups full amnesty and huge plots of land under their control (About the size of Switzerland). All this is being funded by tax payer money, taxes being waged on a population that has been ravaged by war. Colombia has one of the biggest internal displaced populations, more internal refugees than any other American nation. Even more bizarre is the push by the national left leaning media to portrait the gorilla group as champions of freedom and hailed as heroes, being invited to a multitude of popular radio and TV shows.

Drugs traffickers, terrorist and murderers are idolized by the lefty main stream media in Colombia. Verily teaching people to believe in the cognitive dissonance they are being fed on a daily basis.

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