Apple's smile on the face of Samsung!

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If there is such an organization in the world that if it gets the chance, Covertino's trillion dollar company will take Apple together, but it is definitely Korean tech giant Samsung If you see any smartphone in this company, especially the Galaxy S9, it seems as if showing any phone ad in Apple Or analyzing past events, it seems that these two brands have promised to stick with each other. However, according to analysts, this time Samsung has given Apple a thank you time. Because of Apple, it will smile on their faces.

CNN's report says, Samsung's dividend will jump a big jump in the coming year. Most of the profit will come from Samsung's display business. Kim, an analyst with an investment bank of Diwa Capital Markets, said that Samsung's memory chips, consumer electronics and display businesses have made huge profits in the quarter.

Kim also said that 25-30 percent of Samsung's display business is successful due to Apple. 10 percent of the total profit comes from here. Samsung is the top of Apple's Oleed Display Provider Now the smile of Samsung's face will be more spacious. Olead display is used in all of Apple's iPhone X, iPhone X Max and iPhone X.

However, the exact calculation of profit has not yet been given. In the current quarter, Samsung may be gaining $ 15.6 billion at home, experts say.

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