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Soros 'Missionaries' Bragging About Toppling Governments & Creating Chaos



Professor attending one of Soros 'civil society' gatherings in Budapest, Hungary recalls atmosphere among attendees . They were enthusiastic, they were arrogant, they were bragging about destroying countries ..

'It was later during lunch at a plush Budapest hotel that I encountered the full force of the arrogant ethos promoted by the Soros network of organisation. At my table I listened to Dutch, American, British, Ukrainian and Hungarian representatives of Soros NGOs boast about their achievements. Some claimed that they played a major role in the Arab Spring in Egypt. Others voiced their pride in their contribution to the democratization of the Ukraine. Some bragged about their influence in preparing the ground for the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime in Libya.'


some of their 'successes'




how did one old fart get so powerful ???

And young monster is already following old fart footsteps

Leading democRAT Chuck Schumer & Alex Soros


the EVIL is enormous - Must be Stopped

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