Did Megyn Kelly go too far?

The real question is, why are people angry at Megyn Kelly and not Alex Jones?


Lets get down to business:

Megyn Kelly recently interviewed Alex Jones who, for those of you who don't know, is a radio talk show host of Infowars and an eccentric conspiracy theorist. This is the guy who claims 9/11 was an inside and the massacre at Sandy Hook never actually happened. So naturally people do not want someone like Jones being given anymore air time then he already has on his radio talk show. Reasonable enough, right? Wrong! This is a perfect example of sexism against Megyn Kelly.

It is so easy to persecute women in the media. Much easier than going against a male. it is a tired argument in today's society where everyone is either being called a racist or a sexist or both. But it needs to be said.

Once the promo for the interview was aired and it was known Kelly would be interviewing Alex Jones on her show, advertisers started pulling out and the keyboard warriors descended upon Megyn Kelly. So much attention was brought to this interview that Kelly's invitation to speak at the Sandy Hook Promise annual gala was rescinded.


In 2013, Alex Jones was interviewed by Piers Morgan on CNN and Nightline on ABC and there were no advertisers who pulled their commercials or internet rampages. Who were the interviewers? Men. Please tell me the connection is becoming more clear now.

I have watched Kelly for years now and she has never been one to let anyone off easy in her interviews. She is one of the few TV journalist personalities with integrity and class. As sign of solidarity I hope everyone tunes in to watch the interview this Sunday 6/18 at 7pm on NBC. After the interview make an informed opinion with your own original thoughts and without outside influence whose rage has been aimed at the wrong person.

Thoughts? Let me know in the comments.



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