You have to agree or else - how did we sink so low?


Another trip today to get a Polish residence form.

They now make people wait outside in a queue until it is dead on time to let them in. We arrived on time and were let in by a very friendly lady security guard.

She complied with our refusal for a facial temperature check via some retinal scanner.
She allowed us to pretend to wash our hands instead of use that stinking disinfectant people happily rub on their hands with glee at supermarkets/malls.

We entered the room of Mein Fuhrer control freak lady that we had to see.

Instantly she was agitated by my refusal to wear a mask, even though she had one on and there was a thick glass screen between us.

"peoples families are scared of the rona" She roared as if to make me rethink my stance.

"Why" I replied.

This went back and forward for 5 minutes.
Now this is where my headline above comes from. How did we sink so low?

Below is from 1919.


You have to agree or else.

Now this is just pure group think now. There is nothing scientific about that is there. There is agree or else.

She asked me why I did not believe government or their scientists (her paymasters or so she thinks) I said I have read alternative scientists to government bought and paid for pseudo scientists.

I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears.
And this is where we are at in 2021, you agree or else.

Dan Stevens - my header tweet photo.

Last night in the UK they voted 400 plus to 76 to extend the rona bill/act for another 6 months. This means the lockdowns do not end for them anytime soon.

Here in PL we are supposed to be in lockdown 3 but nobody including the police are taking a blind bit of notice what polis named ticians say anymore.

On the 10th of April there is a ceremony for polis named ticians to commemorate an assassinated ex president who died in a mystery plane crash some years ago with most of the gov onboard too.
His (insane according to his own father) brother is due to do said ceremony in Warsaw at his late brothers statue.

It is (was) due to be televised to the nation.

We are blocking the stairs to it with a peaceful show of people power.
They took away or have tried to - peoples right to assemble, see loved ones who were dying, right to do business etc etc.
So we are taking away their right to assemble at said statue. We are stripping them of the right to commemorate his death. We are taking away rights from them but not with force. Just by standing still.

What is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

As a non Polish person, expat by any other name. Many like me will block the base of the steps. If the police get violent it will be broadcast live on TV. So we will speak to the police before it escalates and let them know we are from abroad.
Now we know the Polish will not want to be dealing with foreign embassies for a few months for police brutality to other countries citizens so it should pass by without a baton being swung we hope.

The police made a statement today here.

They have openly stated they are fed up with having to keep going to Warsaw to deal with protests.
Locally the police have taken off their masks and do not hassle people.
They have gone back to chasing motorists to tax them for speeding or anything else they can get them for.

The mask fines had got so desperate the police were even lowering it to 20zl or £4 but the courts were still throwing those cases out so they gave up.

It takes us all to refuse to comply. It takes all of us to give back what we get.

They took away most peoples freedoms for 1 year. Now it is pay back. The 10th is the start. But we have oh so much more in store for them yet. The hotels they stayed in remained open for them but not for us. So we will occupy them too. We will block access, and yes, we still have 100's of other ways we are going to stop them from doing their daily lives.

We will do it with a smile. not a uniform, no bullying, just standing in the way.

Have a superb weekend. I took the beast out today. And tomorrow I shall do the same again.

Peace and out my brothers and sisters.

1993 KTM GS 300 :-)

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