We Need To Talk About Leftist Violence

Hey guys.

This is an important topic... because things are getting worse and worse.

I started out as an Independent

When I first became old enough to take an interest in media and culture, Bush was president.

I hated him.

The neo-con culture that became popular at the time disgusted me. I saw no evidence that Iraq was involved with the 9/11 attack, and a lot of my friends from highschool went and fought in the war that was pushed by the Fake News Media that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

At that time, in the lat 90's early 2000's, I would have considered myself something along the lines of a left-leaning libertarian (a liberaltarian), and then began to shift into the more fringe primitivist and green anarchy philosophies of John Zerzan.

When Obama was elected, I hated that, too.

The whole 8 years of Obama was a continuation of the creeping power-taking of the Government over the American people.

I watched as Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize, yet was the most warmongering president in the history of my country.

Still, the Left remained peaceful for the most part.

Then... Trump

When Trump came on the scene, everything started changing.

The Left began to morph into something that I could no longer identify with at all. It became a reaction rather than a position.

People hated Trump so much that they began doing what is described in the video above. I've seen it for myself: Trump supporters suddenly becoming targets of violence, and a growing political movement justifying this hatred.

That's scary.

And now, the violent rhetoric has come to a head, and people are being targeted for execution because they are -- "Republicans."

Partisanship, in my opinion, is the hallmark of laziness and/or ignorance. And when it comes to the point of inciting violence, it has officially become the personal weapon of a powerful controlling class of people who cannot win with arguments and thus turn to bloodshed.

Senator Rand Paul

I like this guy.

He is one of the few representatives in the American Government who is willing to stand up for your constitutional rights, especially as they pertain to privacy and the spying of Government into the lives of citizens.

I supported him in his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination.

He was at the baseball practice where this recent shooting took place.

That kind of touches home for me, because I have a lot of hopes for Rand in the future and I see him as a rare bulwark against Government violation. So to hear that someone was trying to kill him because he was a "Republican", inspired by endless months of hate-filled speech from Leftist groups against Trump and "Trump-supporters"... well, it becomes personal.

Senator Paul is an eye doctor who goes to Africa annually to operate on people who have nothing. He literally goes to where the most impoverished people in the world are and causes the blind to see. And some guy wanted to kill him because he was a "Republican."

Can we all just take a second and objectively admit that this is a problem?

What do you think?

Have you seen this coming?

What do you think of the various events highlighted in the video?

Follow me @shayne

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