Trump: "Build The Wall As A Solar Wall" -- Best Idea Yet

Constructing a wall along the southern US border with Mexico was one of the most polarizing and energizing promises of the Trump campaign.

Arguments about how to fund the project, who will pay for it, how long it will take, or if it's even worth it at all have been had.

Now, at a recent rally, Trump has thrown a wildcard into the debate:

"We're thinking of something that's unique, we're talking about the southern border, lots of sun, lots of heat. We're thinking about building the wall as a solar wall, so it creates energy and pays for itself. And this way, Mexico will have to pay much less money, and that's good, right?"

He added: "Solar wall, panels, beautiful. I mean actually think of it, the higher it goes the more valuable it is. Pretty good imagination right? Good? My idea."

This is a brilliant idea for many reasons.

New Green Infrastructure

People really don't want a big ugly wall that just sits there and looks big and ugly.

By making the border wall a "solar wall", Trump will be spearheading the single biggest and most ambitious green energy project in the world.

Politically, it will be very difficult for his opponents to claim that he is "anti-Green energy". In fact, it would make them look extremely stupid if they did so.

Border Swing States

There are 4 states that border Mexico: California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

California is solidly Blue, and Texas -- despite what people might think -- is solidly Red. Arizona and New Mexico are swing states.

These states might resist a border wall, but if it was a green energy project which will significantly reduce the energy costs of border communities and create thousands of new, lasting green energy jobs, it will help to secure these states for the next election.

Texas will take little issue with the wall, and California is so bankrupt I doubt they can afford to reject such a substantial energy infrastructure program.

Political Leverage

Trump backed out of the Paris accord and the Left thought they could hit him as anti-environment and paint themselves as pro-environment.

This proposal completely steals their thunder -- especially if it comes to fruition.

A solar border wall would be the greatest green energy infrastructure project in the world -- it would outweigh anything the Democrats have ever done or talked about.

Basically, it makes the Liberal Establishment on the Hill look like a bunch of disingenuous fools with no conviction or intelligence, because Donald-freaking-Trump will have done more good for the environment (in terms of green projects, anyway) than any of them have ever done in their entire careers put together.

Your thoughts?

I think this is the smartest thing that Trump has done yet.

It covers so many issues from so many different angles. Honestly, this is the sort of thing I had hoped that we would see from the Trump administration: it's unconventional, pragmatic, effective, persuasive, and smart.

What do you think?

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