Bernie Sanders Is A Beast Even When He Loses


Senator Bernie Sanders is set to introduce a bill that directly attacks giant corporations like Amazon, McDonald's, and Walmart who's workers depend on federal assistance to survive because they aren't paid a living wage even though those companies can afford to.

Well Bernie's bill would make the corporations responsible for all government assistance an employee of those Amazon or Walmart style companies needs to supplement their income to survive. Taking that burden off of the tax payer and placing it on the corporations where it belongs.

Great bill right? Democrats should love it because we want a living wage and republicans should love it because fewer taxes. But it will still fail. Not because it isn't a great bill but because those two parties I just listed only care about those principles on paper. Their fans, or voters, they care about those things but the politicians themselves care only about money and money comes from lobbyists and poor people don't have lobbyists.

Cash really does rule everything around us, Wu Tang.

But even though this bill is doomed to fail Bernie is a beast taking on Jeff Bezos of Amazon and these other mega rich corporations that are the true welfare queens and people are paying attention.

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Bernie wins in the minds of the American people on this one, not on the senate floor. That makes him a beast in my opinion. The average Americans mind is a scary and misinformed place. It's always good when a little truth gets in.

He's exposing the true benefactors of the welfare system. Showing the average television news watcher who's really screwing them over.

Thats what a beast does, and my man Bernie is a beast.

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