
The deep state coup plotters, including the Democrat party, organized left, GOP establishment, the mainstream media, and the Silicon Valley government protected tech monopolies and Wall Street itself, are going for broke, and are going to remove our duly elected president in a grotesquely illegal and farcically evidence free coup, unless the American people rise up and tell them no—and do so now.

This has nothing to do with Russia and has nothing to do with Mr. Trump other than that he is giving voice to and seeking to provide leadership to a broad movement of sentiment and belief on the part of the American people who want to restore our constitutional republic and our inalienable rights and freedoms.

The globalist financial elites who control and own the deep state stooges, agents, and operatives, are in a mad panic because they clearly believe that if they do not remove Mr. Trump from office, and do so now, and if they do not completely obliterate and destroy the American liberty movement, and do so now, the entire deep state and their globalist financial elite owners and puppet masters will be brought to justice for their vast and unspeakably evil crimes against the American people and the peoples of the world; and their entire grid of deception and control will be dismantled and replaced by human-centered, humane systems that support rather than violate the inalienable rights of each individual, family, and local community.

It is time for the good moral and honorable men and women in the system—of whom there are countless numbers, though they have long had no control over the ultimate decision making of what is now an entirely malignant and implacably hostile corporate and banking owned government--and for the American people themselves, to put a stop to all of this, and to do so peacefully and lawfully.

It is time.

Deep State Operatives Are Attempting Coup d’état of President Trump

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