Everyone dead as Trump’s presidency reaches 1-year anniversary

As Donald Trump’s presidency of the United States is reaching its one year anniversary, everyone is now dead as a result, multiple sources could confirm to the Scandinavian Journal this week.

Particularly in Sweden, Denmark and Norway everyone is dead as a consequence of Trump’s very non-Scandinavian tax policies, whereas in Canada it has had deadly effects whenever the president has criticized people who have turned out to be women.

Although black and hispanic unemployment rates are reaching historic lows, absolutely everybody inside the US is dead due to Trump’s restrictive immigration policies and prior comments about Mexican illegal immigrants. Despite differing predictions of when it would happen, the fact that electing the new Hitler would cause mass death was in complete accordance with expectation.

The final nail in the coffin for the remaining survivors turned out to be Trump`s infamous “shithole” comments, catastrophically implying that countries such as Norway might be better for people to live than places such as Haiti and El Salvador. Sources confirm that just the slight chance of Trump having actually uttered these words was enough to immediately put an end to the lives of humanity’s last standing individuals.


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