New York Times Admits it Falsified Story

The Failing New York Times has FINALLY admitted it fabricated the Russian narrative in which it claims 17 US intelligence agencies had conclusive evidence of Russian interference in the US elections. This claim was suspect from the beginning as the DHS and DNI gave a joint statement on behalf of the intelligence community; individual statements on the part of each agency were not issued. 

(Image Source

Furthermore the paltry evidence presented consisted of the claim that the leaks are"consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts." The joint statement also states that  "it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion. This assessment is based on the decentralized nature of our election system in this country and the number of protections state and local election officials have in place."



- SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit suggests that Hillary's presidential campaign was targeted by hackers after Podesta fell for a phishing email

- SecureWorks is owned by Dell.

- Dell received $28 million in government contracts while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, up from just $2.5 million a few years before Clinton took the post. They also paid Bill Clinton almost $1 million for speeches

- Another major proponent of the Russian hacking narrative is Crowdstrike

Taken from HelenaGlass

It should be noted that Crowdstrike had three funders:  

1)   Warburg Pincus.  Tim Geithner, is president of  Warburg Pincus, former Secretary of Treasury under Obama, and formerly worked in the Clinton administration. Warburg Pincus was a contributor to the DNC and Clinton campaign

2)   Accel Partners is also a Crowdstrike funder.   According to the Clinton Foundation website, Accel is a venture capitalist partner in the Endeavor Investor Network created by the Foundation.

3)   And the last funder of Crowdstrike is Google Capital, now CapitalG, managed under David Drummond of Google who was instrumental in ‘realigning’ Google search engines to favor Hillary’s campaign.

Just to recap: Major news agencies are retracting their claims of Russian interference in the US election as its becoming increasingly evident that all sources that back up the claim are intrinsically linked to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation

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