10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Female Brain

We’ve all heard the saying ‘men are from Mars, women are from Venus’, but are they actually so different? The biological
differences are quite obvious, but scientists have also been trying to prove that male and female brains have fundamental
differences as well. Such research has led to numerous myths millions of people believe to be true, like the one that women are
more emotional because they have larger brain areas responsible for processing emotions.

Behavioral scientists and
neuroscientists spend decades on their studies of male and female brains, but the information changes all the time as new
discoveries come into light. Here are 11 interesting facts you didn’t know about the female brain.

Women’s brains are smaller, so what?
It is true that women’s brains are smaller than men’s. But does it mean that women are less intelligent because of that?
Definitely not.

Yet in the past this fact was used as proof of women’s inferiority to men.

That myth has been long since debunked as the size of brain has nothing to do with how smart you are.

Men are just bigger in general! Hence, their brains have more mass as well.
Women and psychic powers
Women’s intuition is not a myth. In fact, women are more in tune with the emotions and needs of other people.

They are biologically wired to understand the needs of a crying baby without words (because, well, babies speak only baby language),
thus, their ‘sixth sense’ is a power to be reckoned with.IMG_20180211_213208_456.JPG
Women and psychic powers
Women’s intuition is not a myth. In fact, women are more in tune with the emotions and needs of other people.

They are biologically wired to understand the needs of a crying baby without words (because, well, babies speak only baby language),
thus, their ‘sixth sense’ is a power to be reckoned with.
It is not by coincidence that women have been connected to all things dark and mysterious since the early times when witchcraft was something as real as becoming a doctor is today.

Women have a deep connection with nature and can become great healers by using what they learn from the world around them. After all, they don’t call Earth ‘mother’ for nothing.


Periods also affect women’s brains
It is a general belief that during ‘that time of the month’ women turn into hormone-driven over-emotional beings that can burst into tears at any time.

It is true that female brain is influenced by hormones during menstrual periods, but it is also true that
their brains are being bombarded by hormones all the time! Progesterone, testosterone and estrogen are three main hormones that impact women during their menstrual cycle.

As their levels change, so does women’s sexuality, mood and even the way memory works. And it’s not something that just happens during a one week timeframe – it happens all the time!

Birth control impacts women’s memories
Hormones hold immense power over women’s lives, so it’s no surprise that hormonal birth control also influences female brains.

Many birth control pills deliver an extra amount of progesterone to the body. Progesterone is a hormone that affects the way
women process memories, which means even a little extra will have a huge impact.

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