Yellow vests respond to Macron's 'grand debate' with a day of destruction in central Paris (Act 18)


With each attempt to calm his country Macron only seems to makes it worse. Yesterday saw the worst cases of property destruction since the beginning of this 18 week movement against the debilitating laws of the global elite and while their media machine assures us the numbers are shrinking each week, glossing over the scale of destruction yesterday with talk of 'some' luxury shops being vandalised, the truth of it is that the movement continues to grow not just in Paris but across the nation and if you own a shop on the Champs-Elysees (the most exclusive shopping avenue in the world) today it is trashed and has most likely been looted.

Just watch the first ten minutes of this footage shot yesterday afternoon if you think I am exaggerating.

This came as a direct response to an 'open' debate with Macron designed to diffuse the tension. The debate which ended on Friday did not permit for certain subjects to be raised leaving yellow vests fuming, calling it a total waste of time.

If Macron is not prepared to engage in healthy discussion around the subjects in question and he is also unwilling to step down as President, there can be no end to this.


Watching some of the scenes yesterday you would be forgiven for thinking there was already a civil war happening in France.

This is the most popular coffee shop on the Champs-Elysees.


Not any more.

Their chairs were burned unceremoniously outside it.


Numerous other buildings went up in flames before being extinguished by the fire dept, including a bank.

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Those who tried to protect their shops did so in vain.


The police were completely overwhelmed and unable to stop most of the looting.


It all feels very extreme to me, somehow reminiscent of the pre-war anti semitism in Berlin.


The Jews were persecuted because they controlled the banks in Germany at that time and were living a life of luxury compared to the common folk who were suffering in poverty. Sound familiar?


Closer to home

Here in the South of France, right next to the Spanish boarder, our nearest city Perpignan is constantly buzzing with yellow vest activity now and all the speed cameras in this region have been disabled.

This is the nearest speed camera to our village in the Pyrenees Mountains. The camera lens on the other side has been painted over like the rest of it. In the opening weeks of this movement the authorities would come and clean it but now they don't bother any more because it won't stay clean for long.

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The word on the speed camera means 'thieves' and there is a new sign which has been spray painted onto the road along side it, telling us to 'speed up'.

Perhaps not the best idea but it sums up the situation here well.

Powerless is a word which comes to mind. The French government are realising (not for the first time) how powerless they are when huge numbers of people stand up against them.

Where do we go from here?

History tells us nowhere good.


Despite being far from the trouble we have still stocked up with provisions which will see us through power cuts, water shortages or food shortages. Just last week we acquired some land upon which we will grow our own food this year, minimising our reliance on shops.


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