Trust they say, is a very important ingredient of a good governance. Nigeria has a nation is blessed with so many natural resources, but we cannot move forward 'cos our leaders are corrupt. The lack of good governance has made the gap between the rich and the poor to be wide apart. Is it the poor electoral system where political candidates engage in fraudulent practices to favour their own interest? Or the Boko-Haram insurgency that's politically oriented ? The Dapchi girls brouhaha has just revealed to us "the true meaning of this horrible, and notorious sect. How cone over one hundred schoolgirls were drove out of Dapchi and no security intervention ? Few hours before the abduction, military personnels deployed to the said area were withdrawn and the only explanation made to Nigerians by the military was that they were short of manpower. I contend that this statement is diabolical, unethical, lame and untenable. It is a weak after thought which has left many questions unanswered. It showed that our system is packed full of a conglomerate of political ignorami. I ruminated so much on the statement of the information minister; Lai Muhammed "... because we're not in power then" when speaking about the quick return of the abducted Dapchi schoolgirls which was not so for the Chibok girls. Why playing politics with human life ? Well, because of the gullible nature of Nigerians, they know we (Nigerians) will take anything they dish out to us.
The operation Python Dance put an end to the Biafra agitations. What has been government's response to proffer lasting solution to the Fulani herdmen's killings ? This question begs for answer on the part of the government. The friend of a friend recently lost his life to this Fulani herdsmen. Should the killings continue ?
For over 57 years, we've constantly ran in the same circle of ignorance which always gives the same pitiable result. For Nigeria to move forward, we must first handle the mental laziness that has engulfed us as a nation, particularly in the northern part of Nigeria. This , I termed as our major problem. It is appalling when things that are white are called black and it is done with so much conviction that a sane man begin to think he is the insane. I just wish the 2018 budget addresses the current hardship in the country. I wish to see a Nigeria where the people are united and vote for committed and accountable leaders. A Nigeria that is free from political unrest, terrorism, bribery and corruption, poverty et al.,
It is high time our leaders stopped thinking left and think right. That we get up from this filth we throw ourselves into and forge ahead. Taking up this challenge head-on is the only solution to getting it right as a nation.
Nigeria will be great, again!
God bless Nigeria!!
God bless me!!!Screenshot_2018-03-26-21-52-23.pngsources(https://www.google.com.ng/search?tbm=isch&q=dapchi+girl+graphics&chips=q:dapchi+girl+graphics,online_chips:dapchi+yobe&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjwi8-v64raAhVBmxQKHcKRATgQ4lYINygC&biw=360&bih=559&dpr=2#imgrc=83Dulopk6Tp_uM:&isa=y)

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