Why Trey Gowdy Needs To Be FBI Director


The Republicans have to realize the way the Democrats are fighting, they have taken this total hit piece, totally phony issue without a scintilla of evidence or even even hint of accuracy and they have blown it into an issue that is imperiling the future of Western civilization in their view. The idea of Russian involvement in the u.s. election now first of all it is probably true that Russia hacked the DNC computers, but it is certainly not true the Trump told them to and it's certainly not true the Trump and Putin cooked up a deal to influence the u.s. election.

It probably is true that Putin wanted Trump to win or more to the point wanted Hillary to lose, but so what and the whole idea that our democracy has somehow been undermined is ludicrous. If he'd monkeyed with a vote count that would be something else, if he had pushed over it lies and disinformation, well that might be bad too although you know that bad people do that, but he didn't do that, all he did was publish the accurate emails that the DNC actually sent and actually received that they had biased toward Hillary when they maintained that there was no bias that they were neutral in the primary fight.

So look if we are going to be confronted with this kind of environment, play hardball. Designate a Trey Gowdy the new FBI director and have him open a full investigation impartial and everything about the Russian stuff and undoubtedly conclude that there's nothing there, but then go after the Clinton Foundation and the email scandal and all of that stuff. The shoe should be on the other foot here, the person who should be looking at indictment and censure is not Donald Trump but Hillary Clinton, and it's about time the Republicans named an FBI director who would concert with attorney general Jeff Sessions, then we would really get at the truth of the matter.

This isn't just sour grapes it isn't just vengefulness the idea that the Secretary of State-ship was for sale and that access to the American government and favors would go to the highest bidder, is just outrageous and that crime should not go un-prosecuted. That's more I'm going to do a history blog and I'm going to talk about the history of the United States intervening in other countries elections in an effort to determine the outcome, including Bill Clinton's intervention in the Russian election of 1996 which I worked with them on, so tune in tomorrow I think you'll enjoy it thanks for stopping by, and please subscribe.

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