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The restaurant is forbidden to wear clothes!

Clothing is used for people to be covered. We can not walk without clothing or walk outside the house or the outside. In ancient times, people are dressed in unmanned culture.
The most intelligent creature in the world has covered itself with animal skin by touching civilization. The way the garment has gradually brought the concept of clothing. But there is a ban on this garment in a restaurant in Paris. If you wear clothes you can not afford this restaurant.
According to British Media Independent report, the name of the restaurant in Paris is 'and Nature'. There are 40 people to eat together at this restaurant. The price of the restaurant starts at Tk 2,500 per person in Bangladesh.
And whenever anyone enters the restaurant, he will have to come in and open the clothes in a particular place. However, the inside of the restaurant is said to be secret to outsiders.
In fact, Paris is one of the world's largest cities, where nudity is the symbol of freedom. Nadness is preferred to many people in the country. Nude Park, Nude Sea Beach, Nood Pool was already there. The new addition is the Nood

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