I'm Making Fake News, Any Takers?


We've all been standing in line at a grocery or shopping store and a magazine with some random provocative headline catches our eye and below it reads, "Ivanka Trump is pregnant and the baby's real father is from Jupiter's moon, Europa. Shocking details inside!" Is your immediate notion to that, "have they recently discovered life on Europa and I'm just now finding out?" Or do you think a bit more skeptically, "there is so much stupid in that...it's almost impressive." I'm hoping it's the latter, that should be your typical knee jerk reaction to any news article. What you shouldn't do is insist on shouting, "That's Fake News! There's no possible way Ivanka would cheat on Jared, especially when her clothing line is doing so well," to the customer ahead of you in line. Once they turn around they'll be astonished to see that you're not in a straight-jacket or if you want, you could be. I digress, the point of this flamboyant display of an unlikelihood has gone awry. In a free society, we must always be open to the fact that the freedom of expression is necessary and should always be viewed with a halo instead of horns.


Fake News has become the go-to catchphrase for intending to delegitimize actual legitimate media entities. The term itself has almost turned into a type of profanity you would use in front of a child. It used to be just the 'National Enquirer' and those types of magazines or media outlets. You didn't even need to state it yet alone actually call them "Fake News" - it was glaringly obvious. It has occurred to me that the American public is in an existential crisis of sorts and unable to discern what is real and what is fake. Any news you've been reading is quite real though it is merely someone else's opinion on a particular subject or circumstance. It's really quite simple, do not buy into all the extra hubbub. The inquiring mind should always be leery of someone or something that demands your attention.

When did we become so hellbent on calling out a company on it's credibility when they're an actual form of entertainment? I hope we start applying this mentality to the movies we watch now, "Have you seen Snowden yet? Joseph Gordon-Levitt is such a Fake Actor." What!? "Well, I enjoyed watching it but I disagree with how he portrayed Edward." Before you backhand this hypothetical schmoe I've created, take in the comparison. It's startling isn't it? "I'm thinking about filing a lawsuit against Oliver Stone." Okay...you can hit him now.


It's become so crazy that the legality has come up and has to be mentioned. Some newspapers have policies against filing libel claims against detractors on the principle that they don't wish to suppress the free speech of others. Which, I personally think is a rather adult and professional way to deal with this kind of issue. There's really no need to involve the courts in the matter. With that being said, the media has a few options some rather more devious than the others. Taking the high road and simply ignoring the childish name-calling is one but rather dull and unentertaining. May I suggest a more "on the offensive", "no holds barred" approach? If you have become labeled "Fake News" by your detractors...you should wholeheartedly embrace it. Show whomever your ability to strategically reach a target audience with "Fake News" all within the scope of the law, of course. These politicians and their advisors have little to no experience in manipulating a story the way a savvy journalist can. Though this could be a matter of debate since politicians obviously became prominent through manipulation. Nevertheless, if they want a war of words...give them one, isn't that what the freedom of speech is all about?


Our president has said a lot of absurdly creepy and outlandishly funny things in recent past. One sticks out to me, that he will "open up our libel laws" to make it a lot easier for us to sue the media. If you know what's good for you, a red flag has to have come up. The ability to effectively express dissent can not be put on the chopping block. A robust First Amendment is essential to the progress that's needed to be made, on both individual and social levels. Albeit, the media has done some pretty disdainfully tacky things to certain individuals. Which should be socially combated but not legislated against. You are a paying customer to these businesses, condone their actions and let them know you will not be subscribing to such a defamatory newspaper or media outlet. There should be no need for SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) lawsuits filed against someone for exercising their First Amendment rights. It's preposterous to think that since you said something to criticize me, I must now take some form of legal action against you. Ignore it or speak out against it, that is how we go about things civilly.

If you haven't realized by now "Fake News" is a mere affront used by fascists to establish some deluded moral high ground. Let these men and women sit on their high horses, it's better to be grounded and on your own two feet. Do not be fooled though, they intend on regulating your mind, preventing what you'd say and wish to prohibit certain opinions to be formed.


If you are free then repeat after me, "Only I choose...what is real or fake news."

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