Sapien.Network Interview on CoinCentral | Social Platform on Web 3.0

The following post is a glimpse of the interview.

Full Interview:

To check the platform:

You say you want to create the best web 3.0 social experience. How do you define web 3.0 and how do you plan to be a key part of it?

Web 3.0, in a nutshell, is multiple entities sharing value across an open network. Decentralization is a key component as it removes a central point of contact, reduces hacks and data breaches, and provides interoperability and uninterrupted service as there’s no single point of failure. End users will also regain control of their data which can be shared at their discretion.

Sapien is creating a tokenized, democratized, reputation-based social news platform that will give users back control of their data, rewards content creators, and fights fake news.

Users will have the opportunity to opt into the ad revenue sharing program by sharing their data with advertisers or to opt out and have a full, ad-free browsing experience.

By leveraging the latest Blockchain technologies, we can build a platform that is immune to censorship, guards our free speech, respects our privacy, and persists content throughout humanity’s existence.

What are the problems with existing social media and how does Sapien plan to overcome them?

Current issues with existing social media range from exploiting user data to not fairly rewarding content creators to using their own platform to fuel their own agendas. The current platforms are essentially taking their users’ data and selling that information to the highest bidder. They’ve also taken advantage of content creators by not fairly rewarding them for their contributions and claiming ownership of all content being posted on their platform.

At this point, these platforms are free to do as they please with someone’s content and data and they profit immensely off this. Some of these platforms are blatantly using censorship to further their own political agendas. People witness everything from post deletion, bans, and the promotion of videos and media that support their affiliations. Essentially, platforms are creating synthetic filter bubbles and gamifying the social media experience.

Read the full interview at the link provided above

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