Groundbreaking Bill Proposal Prohibiting Organized Covert Torture Effected With Electronic Weapons & Organized Stalking Under Review By State Legislators In California; Support Needed

Originally published at The Everyday Concerned Citizen, 10/9/2018

With information from Dr. Tomo Shibata and other linked sources

Concerned residents of California are rallying behind a groundbreaking bill proposal on Organized Torture authored by Dr. Tomo Shibata, author, acclaimed human rights analyst and sociologist holding an interdisciplinary Ph.D with high distinction from the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (Paris, France), and currently presented to select legislators in the California State Legislature.

California State Capitol

Unequivocally, Dr. Shibata, who has published extensively against human rights violations in Japanese and American journals, presented at various United Nations Human Rights Commission meetings, and is an Advisory Board Member of Freedom for Targeted Individuals, notes, “The proposed bill titled the Organized Torture Act declares that Organized Covert Torture is a Crime against Humanity.”

High Numbers of Residents Reporting Targeting with Organized Stalking and Physical Torture via Invisible Radar/Microwave Weaponry Across California

This proposal was made, Dr. Shibata states, on the basis of complaints to human rights groups from high numbers of residents across California from various cities including San Diego, Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Palo Alto, and others, of “organized covert torture” whereby, in lieu of outright abduction, victims are kept under constant control of the covert torture organizations by organized stalking, sustained surreptitious monitoring, cyberstalking, and stealth physical assault and battery with radiation weaponry such as microwave/radar surveillance weapons.

Different sources offer varying estimates, running into hundreds of thousands, of the numbers of organized covert torture victims often labeled “Targeted Individuals” within the USA and around the world; a close estimate is still unclear.

The Organized Stalking, Torture, and harassment surveillance is being run--it is observed (or surmised) by former FBI Los Angeles Chief and Special Agent In Charge Ted Gunderson, former FBI Special Agent Geral Sosbee, former DOD/CIA Scientist Robert Duncan, former high-ranking SIS Security Officer Bryan Kofron, former NSA Intelligence Analyst Karen Melton-Stewart, Dr. Shibata, and some human rights advocates in touch with reporting victims--by groups that profit from gross human rights violations such as Fusion Center contractors, pro-subjugation security companies, secret societies, Freemasons, KKK, Satanic cults, drug cartels, local mafia, criminal elements within Law Enforcement, Intelligence agencies, and the Military Industrial Complex, for purposes of domination, control, community takeover and human trafficking into clandestine human experimentation projects, including lucrative Military, Intelligence, and Medical/University contracts.

Dr. Shibata notes that the purposes of Organized Torture include “discrediting the victim who filed a civil or criminal complaint against a member or an associate of the torture organization” and “discrediting a whistle-blower or a non-consensual human experimentation subject.”

Police usually do not acknowledge these crimes and, although not qualified to diagnose anyone, in fact stigmatize reporting victims as delusional and mentally ill, an illegal “diagnosis” echoed blindly by ill-informed doctors, psychiatrists, and journalists, uneducated in the areas of cutting-edge, militarized neuroscience technologies and the clandestine and covert techniques of sophisticated organized crime. Co-opted corporate media additionally portray reporting victims as delusional as a matter of course, providing collaborative cover for the organized criminal perpetrators of these crimes.

Police Have Refused to Enforce Penal Code on Battery and Torture Effected with Electronic Weapons

The problem is widespread, but police have refused to enforce the Penal Code to prohibit the ruination and sabotage of lives caused by the deadly psychological and physical battery and torture with “electronic” weapons which accompany the stalking and surveillance by pro-subjugation groups, says Dr. Shibata.

“Electronic Control Weapons” is the term used in Law Enforcement to indicate electrical weapons or conducted-energy devices “from which an electrical current, pulse or beam, wave, or sound wave may be directed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, torture or kill.”

“Electronic Warfare Weapons” as per US Military documents are a military designation of spectrum, neural or acoustic weapons using EMF radiation and sonic technologies, and include classified DOJ “anti-personnel” and “Dual-Use” applications, intending basically to attack and disable humans—as opposed to disabling electronic devices, computers, and infrastructure.

There are laws currently on the books in Massachusetts and Michigan preventing the use of Electronic Weapons by civilians. But such laws are not enforced to prevent the use of such weapons on the bodies of humans—by such coteries as Law Enforcement, Intelligence agencies, or branches of the Military and Air Force, or Federal agencies such as the NGA (National Geospatial Agency) or NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) who use imaging and tracking radar from satellites.

Space-Based Weapons Under Scrutiny

Concern is increasing nationally however and within the State of California to legally stop these crimes. Notably, one city in California, Richmond City, passed a resolution in 2015 supporting the tenets of the federal Space Preservation Act proposed by Senator Dennis Kucinich prohibiting the use of electronic or space-based weapons on civilians after a group of citizens made presentations reporting harm to the City Council.

Space-based weapons are no longer a far-fetched possibility deriving purely from science-fiction.

Image: Military Aerospace/DARPA Blackjack program

Director of Technology at Targeted Justice, Richard Lighthouse, a scientist, researcher, and former NASA engineer, has recently stated that a patented microwave pulse weapon system, Vircator, is being used from satellites to target and assault civilians.

John Fleming, researcher and writer, has noted that highly sophisticated magnetoencephalograph, audio, and imaging systems dating back to the '80s mounted on satellites can potentially read human minds, conversations, and actions from space.

Paul Baird, Australian researcher and human rights advocate reports from interviews with officials in government and Intelligence in the '90s that sophisticated monitoring and weapons systems on satellites are indeed being used for tracking, monitoring, and invasive neuro and electronic modification by powerful supra-governmental criminal networks.

John St. Clair Akwei in his 1992 lawsuit against the NSA reveals a great deal about the invasive brain monitoring of human beings being conducted by NSA Signals Intelligence from space.

Journalist Suzie Dawson, working with NSA/CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden's documents, has revealed that NSA has contracts with governments globally to use their satellite hardware, plausibly for both selective and mass global surveillance.

Despite obfuscating coverage by major corporate media, all of this points to the absolute possibility of satellite use for remote irradiation and tracking of humans.

Congressional & State Awareness of Organized Electronic Weapons Torture, Harassment, Non-Consensual Covert Implantation, Experimentation

At the national and state levels, a few Congressmen have acknowledged the existence of Organized Torture and Stalking programs. Senator John Glenn has spoken out against the non-consensual chipping of citizens for experimental and tracking purposes during the introduction of the Human Research Subject Protection Act of 1997 (excerpt below):

“Mr. GLENN. Madam President, if I approached any Senator here and I said, `You did not know it, but the last time they went to the doctor or went to the hospital, your wife or your husband or your daughter or your son became the subject of a medical experiment that they were not even told about. They were given medicine, they were given pills, they were given radiation, they were given something and were not even told about this, were not even informed about it, yet they are under some experimental research that might possibly do them harm--maybe some good will come out of it, but maybe it will do them harm also--but they do not know about it,' people would laugh at that and say that is ridiculous. That cannot possibly happen in this country. Yet, that very situation is what this piece of legislation is supposed to address.”

Excerpt from Representative Jim Guest's Letter to the Legislature, 2007

Representative Jim Guest (Missouri), wrote in 2007 to members of the Legislature asking for their support of those being affected by “electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups,” and reveals and affirms that Verichips and RFIDs have been and are being tested on Americans non-consensually in a “massive movement” and used for tracking purposes.

Senator Dennis Kucinich, Ohio, put forward the bill authored by Alfred Lambremont Webre and Carol Rosin for the Space Preservation Act of 2001, to prohibit the kind of tracking, stalking, and EMF weapon assault that Dr. Shibata's bill proposal also seeks to expressly prohibit. Unfortunately, this Space Weapons Act has still not been passed.

Organized Torture Bill Proposal Seeks Punitive Consequences for Law Enforcement Officers

Involvement of FBI and Local Police in Organized Torture and Stalking Operations

Intelligence agencies including FBI and CIA, local police, and regional fusion centers have been identified by FBI and Law Enforcement whistleblowers to be part of the rogue criminal network engaged in organized torture and stalking programs on innocent Americans.

Fusion Center Involvement

Recently, a Law Enforcement officer whistleblower informed Targeted Justice that the DHS and FBI's Fusion Centers are the command centers for “Gangstalking” or organized stalking, which is performed under a group called HUMINT or Human Intelligence.

FBI and Federal Magistrate Judge Involvement/Geral Sosbee

In a podcast interview with this writer in late March 2018 (Ramola D Reports/Report #56), Former FBI Special Agent and Whistleblower Geral Sosbee testified that he believed the FBI leads the process to wrongfully name people Suspected Terrorists or criminals and centrally command DHS Fusion Center contractors and local police to commit and condone the organized stalking and organized covert torture with stealth weapons against them.

Geral Sosbee stated that it was his "personal opinion–based on also my professional experience–that the FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Bio Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people.”

Further, Mr. Sosbee testifies that the FBI operate as a global Mafia syndicate; historic analyses of how CIA and FBI operate have shown that they incorporate elements of the Mafia, gangs, and criminal networks in informant, infiltration, and entrapment operations. (See or

“I have learned through my battles with fbi that the agents, operatives, hoodlums, thugs and murderers are the essence of all fbi operations, even though the fbi puts on a charade of semi respectability on popular media. The fbi is in reality a global MAFIA syndicate and most people fear or idolize them.”

In an article describing how the FBI persuades corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges (FMJ) to issue fraudulent court orders against people of integrity and whistleblowers they wish to destroy by making them targets of Fusion Center Surveillance and stealth-weapon “monitoring,” Mr. Sosbee describes how local police become pawns in this mission:

“All police and all private security companies are especially reminded not to interfere with the secret orders of a fmj. With any effort to defend the Target against the order, the licensed investigator or police officer loses his license or is fired through contempt orders.”

FBI, CIA, NSA Involvement/Ted Gunderson

A senior FBI official, Ted Gunderson, Los Angeles FBI Chief and Special Agent in Charge, known to have worked with Edgar J. Hoover in the creation of the original COINTELPRO program which harassed civilians, stated in his now-famous 2011 affidavit that the FBI, NSA, and CIA were involved in rogue criminal surveillance, harassment, and gang-stalking activities against Americans.

Excerpt 1/Ted Gunderson's Affidavit, 2011

Excerpt 2/Ted Gunderson's affidavit, 2011

Bill Proposal Seeks to Curtail and Penalize Law Enforcement Officers in Organized Torture/Stalking

Noting therefore the involvement of some Law Enforcement in Organized Stalking and Organized Covert Torture activities, the bill proposal seeks punitive consequences of higher fines and longer term imprisonments for police/Peace Officers found guilty of violating the bill's proposed laws against Organized Torture and Stalking.

Such violations have been publicly reported. Indeed, this writer has previously covered and is in contact with several California (and other US state) residents who have reported being egregiously stalked and surveilled by Police and EMS personnel, including with Police vehicles and helicopters. For instance, Tina Lane, a California resident (name changed for her protection), a State-protected victim of domestic abuse, attests in fact to being human-trafficked and stalked and surveilled continuously by local Law Enforcement, even though she is under State protection.

Special attention is paid in the bill proposal to those Peace Officers who disregard victim-reportage as delusional and recklessly “psych-commit” reporting victims-- by unlawfully naming them delusional or “paranoid schizophrenic," then wrongfully arresting and detaining them in 3-day 5150 Holds, in abuse of Section 5150 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code.

Excerpt 1/Organized Torture Bill Proposal

Also noted in the bill proposal is the defamatory discrediting of victims with falsified medical records painting victims in a false light—such as naming them drug addicts or sex offenders--and injuriously doing so in the victim's own neighborhood and community, soliciting organized surveillance and harassment by neighbors and EMS/public personnel.

An added aspect considers especially vulnerable populations. The bill proposal seeks to rout out Peace Officer complicity with Organized Torture organizations to prevent abusive discrimination against vulnerable populations, like child abuse survivors and psychologically-disabled residents, who are being intentionally selected for Organized Torture. Victimizing of such protected classes would incur further penalties for any participating Peace Officer, making him civilly and criminally liable for any injury sustained and indeed personally liable—not indemnified, that is, able to rely on taxpayer monies--to pay compensation to victims.

Psychiatrists and Doctors Aiding and Abetting Organized Torture Would Be Penalized

The Organized Torture bill proposal also seeks to fine, imprison, and de-license psychiatrists who purposefully or knowingly facilitate Organized Torture by issuing false diagnoses; or medical doctors who purposefully or knowingly tamper with physical evidence of organized covert torture injury sustained by reporting victims.

Excerpt 2/Organized Torture Bill Proposal

California Could Set a Precedent for Other States in US and World/Participation Needed

Dr. Shibata encourages California residents to collect endorsements of the Organized Torture Bill proposal from any organizations in California, in hopes of increasing the chances of pushing the Bill through to the Legislature.

The proposal has been translated into “bill text language” by the California Office of Legislative Council on the request of State Assembly member Shirley Weber in early 2018. In order to move forward and be introduced on the floor however, the Bill requires sponsorship by one or more California Assembly members or State Senators.

Californian residents and organizations who care about stanching these extreme human rights abuses are encouraged to help support efforts to persuade State senators and representatives to introduce the Organized Torture Bill via Dr. Shibata's GoFundMe page where she encourages supporters/groups to both donate funds and sign their names openly to present a public show of support.

If passed, this law could set a much-needed precedent for other states in the US and world, as cities, states, and countries worldwide struggle with issues of Organized Torture and Stalking. Thousands of targeted victims would benefit, and the covert assault programs run by the criminal elements of the government and the Mafia alike, currently rampant, would fade away. As Dr. Tomo Shibata explains, “Positive strides in CA to counteract the crimes of Organized Stalking and Organized Covert Torture through legislation will be a model for other states to follow suit. Donations of any size will contribute to the ongoing efforts to criminalize and to end this sophisticated crime against humanity.”

The official bill proposal can be downloaded here. To participate in this historic legislation effort and transform American and world communities suffering this extreme human rights abuse—and stop these Organized Torture programs in their tracks--all concerned are requested to [contact Dr. Tomo via her GoFundMe page]((

Dr. Tomo Shibata

Dr. Tomo Shibata graduated Summa Cum Laude from Arts and Sciences College, Cornell University, and received a doctorate with high distinction from the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences in Paris, France. Shibata made a number of oral statements at the United Nations Human Rights Commission. She has written newspaper opinion articles including "A 'socially accepted' act of child abuse" in The Japan Times_, "Organized Stalking Must Stop" in The Ithaca Journal, articles in journals including "Japan's Wartime Mass-Rape Camps and Continuing Sexual Human-Rights Violations" in _The U.S.-Japan Women's Journal _and "Undoing Sexual Objectification in the Japanese Socio-Juridical Context" in The International Journal of Japanese Sociology, _and a book in Japanese titled Child Sexual Abuse and Human Rights which is held by 170 university libraries in Japan.

Ramola D is a writer, poet, teacher, sci/tech journalist, editor and publisher, whose coverage of issues related to current-day unethical and unlawful Surveillance, Targeting, Military/Intelligence/Medical Experimentation & Weapons-Testing, as well as current-day science, technology, ethics, human rights, and consciousness can be found at The Everyday Concerned Citizen, Medium, Steemit as well as video channel Ramola D Reports at Vimeo, Bitchute, and YouTube. Her creative work and expanded bio can be found at Amazon and at her author website, to be returned online soon.

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Let's Criminalize Organized Torture/Dr. Tomo Shibata's GoFundMe page where all concerned can sign, support, donate to this legislative effort

Organized Covert Torture: Its Internal Mechanism and Model Statute, by Dr. Tomo Shibata-/Background and Justification for the Bill

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart: Open Letter to Media, NYT on Schizophrenic Coverage of Microwave Weapon Use on US Diplomats in Cuba versus US “Targeted Individuals”/September 13, 2018 at Activist Post; October 4, 2018 at ECC

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart & JIT: Attn. Law Enforcement/Police & Sheriff’s Deputies: Are You Oath Keepers or Oath Breakers?/July 26, 2018

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets/June 12, 2018

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI/April 1, 2018

Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist by Richard Lighthouse/Free E-book on Smashwords, Feb 4, 2018

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States/May 26, 2016

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance/January 26, 2017

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