Bring back our School(N.D.U)

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Greetings Stremians, i've held this hurt of staying at home for weeks now when other Universities are in session but i can't keep calm no more.

Niger delta university (NDU) was established in 2000 by late chief DSP Alamiesiegha then the governor of bayelsa state. At first, the university is one of leading universities in Nigeria. The university offers cheap tuition which has resulted in its large population of students consisting of individuals from different religious and cultural background.

During the activeness of academic activities in the year 2002, It was talked about in every state across the country because it offers different courses with effective lecturers and efficient management.


After the death of DSP Alamiesiegha, his aim for the university changed. Right now we are facing a suspension of all academic activities till further notice following the peaceful protest to reduce our increased tuition fees led by our Student union president Mr. Rapheal B. Samuel. and the suspension has been on for weeks now.

Series of meetings were held beteeen the school management, Government and also our S.U president to discuss about the “Way forward” but the Vice chancellor of NDU and the bayelsa state Government has denied that they werent the ones who increased our tuition fees when they are the ones in position to make such change. Well the big question now is, If both the VC of NDU and State government are not the reason behind the increament of our tuition, then who did?

We the students of NDU were told that the ijaw youth council (IYC) President and Mr. Rapheal,our SU president were fixed a date and time for a meeting about the on going protest at that time but before the supposed timr fpr the meeting, the IYC president and the Government were already having a meeting unknown to Mr. Rapheal only for Rapheal to find out about the meeting somehow and went to the venue unannounced. They were in shock when they saw him. He sat down and joined their discussion and negotiations which wasnt what he expected. After the end of the meeting, we heard the IYC presodent sent his boys to beat up Mr.Rapheal because he refused to accept bribe from the government to end the protest. Rapheal was in a critical condition and was rushed to the hospital and the doctors confirmed he's having an internal bleeding which made him uncomfortable and restless for days.

The whole students of NDU cried boyyerly and prayed for the life of Mr. Rapheal because he's a Leader with good qualities. So many people have played politics in our Educational sector and accepys bribe ao the Government can carryput any decision with putting thr students in mind but Rapheal stop hos ground even when he was given millions to withdraw the protest he was leading, he didnt give into the government. People like Mr. Rapheal are hard to come by this days. I am bery happy because Mr. Rapheal is in good health now and i return all the glory to God Almighty.

The school authority in accordance with the senate suspended the Student Union activities in the school and even plan to rusticate so many students from NDU and ot gpt me wondering “Who does that”. I recently received a video from Mr. Rapheal via a group chat on whatsapp saying we, the students of NDU shouldnt be afraid of anything, and that he would continue to foght fpr the student body wheyher pr not the Student Unoon activities has been put on hold by the the senate of NDU. He continued by saying he's not an enemy to both the Bayelsa state Government and the school authority and that all he requests for is the reduction of our tuition to enable us come back to classes.

The date for the closure of school fees portal for 2017/2018 sessin will be announced immediately resumption date is announced. No students will be allowed into the school premises without your Up to date school fees receipt.

Please pray for the fate of NDU, pray that the goal goal of late DSP Alamiesiegha wjen he established Niger delta university will not go to waste because it seems there's no future in NDU anymore.

Some of our parents arr farmers,traders while some are civil servants whose salaties are not regularly paid or paid in full bu the State government. How then are oir parents suppose to fend for our increased tuition fees.

As at my 200 Level last year, i paod 60,000 Naira fpr my tuition fees and was supposed to pay 35,000 Naira now that i'm in 300 Level amd npw the VC is saying tuition fees were not increased. Isnt there a big difference between 35,000 and 60,000 Naira?

I cant stop myself from crying because I and my 2 siblings are students of NDU, how will my Mum meet up the the demands of my school when her salary is just 92,800 Naira and that is if salaries' are even paid by the State Government.


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