NEWS - fun facts on the origins

What actually does NEWS mean?


Is it an acronym for: North East West South

Or does it mean: Notable Events Weather Sports

The English word "News" is information about recent events and is the plural of the word "New". Somebody made up the notion that the word is an acronym formed from the initial letters of the four directions North, East, West, and South because News is information from all over the land. Notable Events Weather Sports is also a crafty modern acronym for NEWS.

In fact, the word ‘News’ is derived from the plural form of ‘New.’

New is an adjective and not a noun, so how does it have a plural form? Although adjectives don’t generally have plurals in English, they do in other languages. In some languages adjectives change to agree with the nouns they modify. When nouveau, the French word for New, modifies a plural (feminine) noun, it becomes nouvelles, which is also the French word for News.

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