Monsanto has officially been bought by Bayer! Re-steem everywhere please.


Monsanto has officially been bought by Bayer, and they are ending the use of the name Monsanto. From now on all Monsanto products will be known as Bayer, for example Monsanto's Roundup is now Bayer Roundup. Two of the evilest companies are now one mega-corporation, bringing you herbicides, insecticides, GMO's, birth control, and pharmaceuticals.

Bayer has an awful history that is even worse than Monsanto. Their parent company was responsible for working closely with the Nazi regime, manufacturing the poison gas used in gas chambers, and Bayer bought Jews from the camps to experiment on with vaccines, drugs, and birth control, often killing them. Elie Weisel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate, actually got Bayer to publicly apologize for their contribution to the Holocaust several years ago.

Bayer is also the company that brought you heroin. They own the trademark on the name Heroin, and while opium has been around for thousands of years, their production and marketing of it, including to children, is what led to the commercialization of diamorphine.

Beginning with the company's past in experimenting on Jewish women with birth control during the Holocaust, their modern company now produces some of the worst birth control products for women today. From Essure to Yaz, they keep selling contraceptives to women that can cause serious side-effects and dangers. Their birth control products include: Diane 35, Jaydess, Kyleena, Mirena, Yasminelle, Yasmin, and Yaz. Some of their birth control pills have been known to create up to double the potential of life-threatening blood clots, and have been banned in certain countries, but continue to be sold in other countries as anti-acne medication, and are used for off-label birth control purposes.

So now Bayer/Monsanto has come together to reduce human fertility in multiple ways. If you avoid their birth control products, you can still reduce your fertility by eating the GMO food at the supermarket instead, or the conventional crops coated with their herbicides and insecticides, and grown with their seeds.

Do you avoid GMO's? Well, Bayer is thinking of that too. GMO development is so expensive and time-consuming that they are now focusing on new biotechnology mutations including CRISPR, a faster way for them to edit the genes in plants and animals and bypass GMO controversy, fees, and regulations. One of their projects is to bring genetically castrated pigs to market soon. I feel like that is a metaphor for what they are doing to the human population.

Be aware and keep Bayer out of your body - protect your womb, your food, and our water.

Note: Their consumer product list includes: Aleve, Alka Seltzer, Aspirin, Coppertone, Dr. Scholls, Claritin, Elevit, MiraLAX, and much more.

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