London has published an extensive plan for the post-brexit future of the country

The British government has published its long-awaited plan to shape relations with the European Union after leaving the block. At the heart of a nearly-hundred-page document, which has been elaborating on cabinet proposals published last week, Reuters maintains close ties with the EU.

The central point of the proposal is that, after the end of the transition period in December 2020, the free movement of persons, which the Union considers to be one of its pillars and achievements, will end. But the British government also recognizes that it will be necessary to recognize the depth and interconnectedness of relations between the citizens of the United Kingdom and the coastal European Union. This will be reflected first and foremost in the fact that Union citizens will have a special position vis-à-vis Britain.

Regarding the free movement of goods, London intends to adopt "common rules" and wants to avoid the tough line between Ireland and Northern Ireland. By contrast, for services that are one of the engines of the British economy, the plan implies some flexibility but, in principle, limited access to Union markets.

The plan also states that after the breach the UK will no longer be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU. But he also admits that the European Court will be "an interpreter of EU rules", which Britain has undertaken to observe under the "common rules".

The plan also proposes the possibility of "reciprocal" agreements with the EU on the payment of certain social benefits. The government, however, denied that this would mean broad access to the British social system for EU citizens.

But Britain wants to have the free movement of educated and talented people with the EU as well. EU citizens offer study, entry without tourist visas and temporary employment contracts.

Supporters of "hard brexit" do not agree with the plan

The compromise proposal does not agree with a number of politicians in The Conservative Party's Prime Minister Theresa May who hold the idea of ​​a so-called "hard" brexit, a complete separation from EU structures.

London City is not happy with the proposal either. The country's financial center denotes it as a departure from the closest possible relationship with the EU. "Today's brexette plan is a real blow to British finance and related services," said Catherine McGuinness of City. "With free trade relations with Europe, the financial and services sector will be less able to create jobs, generate taxes and promote growth across the economy. It's simple, "she added.

A Reuters document states that London's negotiating position has "shifted" but that the UK government is still insisting on its brexitian demands. Departing from the EU will mean the biggest change in British foreign and trade policy in decades.

New EU exit minister Dominic Raab hopes the proposal will reassure those EU politicians who are worried about future EU-UK relations. It is now up to the European Union to take a stand on the matter. "We are negotiating in the spirit of pragmatism, compromise and friendship. I hope and believe that the EU will address our proposals in the same spirit, "he said.

Barnier: The plan must be feasible

EU Bargaining Union Bar Michel Barnier on the first British government's last week's proposals said the EU is studying it carefully and waiting for a wider version of it. "But these proposals must be feasible," he added.

The British Government's plan in Brussels during the NATO summit was criticized by US President Donald Trump, who is coming to Britain. He said he is not sure whether the government's approach really reflects the outcome of the 2016 referendum in which the British voted to leave the EU.

Prime Minister May, but Trump's claim was rejected shortly. "What the voters have decided on, we are doing," said the British government's chairman.

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