RE: RE: Not being able to walk down the streets with a skirt , being women in 2018-
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RE: Not being able to walk down the streets with a skirt , being women in 2018-

RE: Not being able to walk down the streets with a skirt , being women in 2018-

I will start this by saying that making derogatory comments towards anyone isn't nice and I am not condoning it.......however.......and please don't assume I'm just some guy that is part of the problem I am interested in having a legitimate dialogue about how far this and other things are being taken. I would like to start by saying that most of the things American women are treating as life ending are on a world scale almost nothing, and I don't say that to be a jerk but lets get some perspective. I have served in the military and been over seas and seen how women truly being mistreated looks, and it is horrifying instead of getting cat called you would have to ask to even be allowed outside and if you think you are going to walk around by yourself, good luck, you are a mans property and you will only be allowed those freedoms when he says its ok. That I would consider a genuine problem and compared to some guys in essence saying they find you attractive(granted in a very un gentlemen like manner) pales in comparison to genuine human rights violations including slavery of men and women from Libya that is happening at this very moment. So it may seem like I am "marginalizing" your experience but when put into perspective I would hope we can all agree that most of what the US is complaining about are first world problems.

I will briefly expand on that last point by saying that a first world problem for example is anyone complaining about a safe space at there ivy league college. For one the very fact that they are provided with such an incredible opportunity that is higher education which was only there because you live in a country where all your basic needs like food, no "real" fear of having your life ended by some random act of violence or socially condoned acts of violence(sharia law), a home, transportation, sovereignty as a human being, etc. are met it is honestly quite hard to take most of the mainstream narrative argument with a straight face.

As well I have seem on multiple occasions women in plain English say it is ok to grope men and fondle there bodies, muscles. why the double standard, because I personally respect the sovereignty of everyone. I will return to sharia law as I view it as one of the biggest affronts to human/women's rights on the planet. here is a list of genuine problems

  1. Under Sharia, Wives Can Be Beaten.
  2. Under Sharia, Females Enjoy Fewer Rights than Males.
  3. Under Sharia, Marriage and Sexual Intercourse with Pre-Pubescent Girls is Permissible.
  4. Under Sharia, Wives do not Share the Same Divorce Rights as Their Husbands.
  5. Under Sharia, Female Rulers are Frowned Upon.
  6. Under Sharia, Wives Should be Subservient to their Husbands.
  7. Under Sharia, Women are Deemed Lacking in Faith and Intelligence.
  8. Under Sharia, Raping Female Captives is Permissible.

so excuse me when i find it hard to get up in arms over some guys lacking some couth, which while uncool is not a reason to demonize men and play the victim. Our current society is so distracted with trivial issues when we are faced with genuine crimes against humanity and a government that is out to take what little remains of our freedom and call it national security. we are all being lied to and guided into this bullshit narrative that is keeping us at each others throats instead of addressing the real monsters among us.

The elite use us as fodder for there wars and they trade us like cattle. We have sociopath, pedophile, satanist, rapist(boys and girls), in positions of power. These are the same people pushing all this divisive rhetoric on us so we don't look behind the curtain and see what is really going on behind the scenes.

I will end this with saying I'm sorry you got cat called men should really learn some couth but lets not take it too far, at this rate men wont even be allowed to voice that they find a woman attractive(which is a basic biological process) without being labeled a misogynistic pig.

Maybe I have come off angry or bitter or whatever but really I want to end the genuine suffering on this planet and acting like a man saying a few words that you found offensive is the what is really wrong with our society is intellectually dishonest or just naive.

in love and light,
Cosmic Man(my name is a reference to spiritual concepts just so you know and not some male, pig, thoughtprocess)

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