Are Facebook and Google Government Creations?

Are Google and Facebook Government Creations?

On you first Google search, you probably won't get to the truth. BUT, you will start to come up with a few questions.

Who is this Anita K. Jones person? How can She be so connected to all of this?
Who is Susan Wojcicki? Who is her Sister? Who is her Father? Who is Sergei Brin?
Why does the National Science Foundation keep coming up?
Another rabbit hole of select families all tied together.

It my hypothesis that both Google and Facebook were CIA or other Alphabet (hint, hint) creations. If we can prove this, we may be able to reverse the censorship of these companies (as they are not private or public, but GOVERNMENT).

This is the beginning of this channel. It may never be "polished" but will certainly get better.

Thanks all,


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