Malaysian volunteer, Jimmy Jacoby, came to China for seven years, and accidentally

馬來西亞義工唐米豌,來到中國下鄉服務七年,偶然踏進唐白河邊的癌症村(河南省),遇到了那些生不如死,沒有任何明天的癌症末期孩子們,他們很多人半年 沒有排便,洗澡。她邊哭邊為他們洗澡、挖肛門排便。有的孩子臨死之前唯一願望就是能吃上一顆糖果,給年過半百的唐米豌帶來極大的震撼。

呢d就係世界工廠嘅後唯症,環境嚴重汚染冇人理冇人管,有事發生左政府又唔幫,好 PK.
政府話之你,d食材有問題佢地竟然劃地一條龍自行生產凈係比高觀食,話之d老伯姓食乜/飲唔乾淨嘅水,d人真係好 PK!
佢地班pk d仔女孫而媽姑姐個個都去外囯讀書,老白性大把人冇書讀都唔理!正PK!

Malaysian volunteer Tang Mi pei, came to China to serve the countryside for seven years, and occasionally stepped into the Tang white river cancer village (Henan Province), met those who live as death, no tomorrow, the end of the cancer children, many of them six months without defecation , Take a bath. She was crying for them to take a bath, dig an anal defecation. Some children before dying the only desire is to eat a candy, to over half a hundred tons of rice to bring a great shock.

It is on the Department of the world after the factory disease, serious environmental pollution, there are people who
manage, something left the government and do not help, good PK.

Government words of you, d ingredients have a problem even if the groundwork to train their own production line than the high point of food, then the old man surnamed what food / do not clean water, d people really good PK!
Drainage class pk d Aberdeen Sun and mother sister sister all went to foreign study, old white people have a lot of books do not care! Is positive!
The most tragic loss money pk are buried! Super PK!

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