Is Telegram messenger blocked in Russia? Not yet.

Now in Russia, users of the popular messenger Telegram live in anticipation of its blocking by state authorities.

The authorities want to receive from the messenger the keys to the encryption of messages in order to be able to read all the correspondence (Source (on russian): They want to know everything that people write about them. Durov, the head of the Telegram, flatly refused to give the keys to the authorities, promising the users that not a single bit of their personal correspondence would be known to the authorities. Why? Let's look at the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Chapter 2, Article 23:

2. Каждый имеет право на тайну переписки, телефонных переговоров, почтовых, телеграфных и иных сообщений. Ограничение этого права допускается только на основании судебного решения.


I will translate this sentence into English:

2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other communications. Restriction of this right is allowed only on the basis of a court decision.

The right to privacy of correspondence to citizens is protected by the Russian Constitution! But this does not bother the authorities at all. Durov promised to protect the constitutional rights of his users in a court, but the likelihood that the Russian court will rule against the authorities, in my opinion zero.

Well, this is the prehistory of this post. In fact, this morning I just could not get into Telegram, and decided that it was already blocked (I'm from Russia, don't forget my dear 20-30 readers, xD). However, after the googling news, it seems, this is not the end of legal use of Telegram in Russia:

So far, these are just technical problems. But what worries me is that I set up a VPN for Canada, and still can not get into the messenger. In fact, without him, like without hands!

Any ideas? Need Help!

And write down what you think:

Who is right, Durov, or the authorities of the Russian Federation???

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