Bigger cuts to the $1.3 Trillion Omnibus required

Politico reports:

"These officials anticipate the White House could propose slashing anywhere from $30 billion to $60 billion dollars from the $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill passed for this year"

This is no more then a token - like passing the sham balanced budget amendment that has not chance of passing in the Senate.

Trump is going to have a fight to get these cuts (Recessions) using Impoundment through the Swamp anyway - so he might as well make the fight worth it and go big. Trump should tell OMB Director Mick Mulvaney to look at this chart from Axios comparing his budget request to the wasteful Omnibus bill. Using this as a guide would deliver hundreds of millions of cuts to the Omnibus bill.

If Republicans want support during the mid-terms, then they need to get behind these cuts. The Swamp Monsters that fight against it - need to be kicked out.

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