Dalai Lama Was A CIA Asset!! (more news we don't talk about...)

The Dalai Lama Was A CIA Asset!!

The other day I discovered that his holiness, the Dalai Lama, was on the payroll of the United States government for years. Furthermore, he was a CIA asset, the relationship beginning back in 1959 when he fled from Tibet to India with his entourage of lamas. While he claims that he didn’t personally receive funding, it is acknowledged that his lamas did receive subsidies of about 1.7 million dollars per year in the 1960’s. These funds were used to carry out training of his followers, both in spiritual practices as well as guerrilla warfare.


It was shocking to come upon this information, since the CIA appears behind the scenes of so many clandestine events in the past. They allegedly sold illicit drugs in the 70’s and 80’s, and helped to overthrow governments of small countries that wouldn’t submit to USA corporate interests. If one only believes what CAN be proved, the implication arises that there’s more dirt beneath the surface.

His holiness has spent his lifetime in meditation and contemplation, no matter who paid his bills. It’s difficult to imagine the Dalai Lama as a spy. That must be how China sees him, a pawn of the USA, ready to reclaim his homeland should the People’s Republic ever loosen their iron grip on Tibet. When I lived in China for a year, those around me thought it perfectly normal to claim Tibet as their own. Then I went to India during that same year, and the Indian people vehemently opposed the Chinese occupation.


Another question that comes to mind is, “Why haven’t the American people been informed about this?” The Dalai Lama received financial assistance from the United States for years. That’s a far more palatable way to state it, since it removes any implications of bad intentions on the part of his holiness.

As this revelation slowly sunk in, I had to ask myself, does this make the Dalai Lama evil? Does it invalidate his beautiful teachings, which earned him a Nobel Peace Prize? I am forced to compartmentalize his various aspects, while pondering the karma that comes along with accepting blood money. Is his holiness an exemplary human being? Absolutely, but only that. Not a god or a saint, simply a world leader who guides by great example.


In the end, human beings are weighed by their character, which leads to their actions. We can look at those actions and get a good idea as to one’s heart. And it’s likely we’ll learn a lot more after the Dalai Lama passes away, the same way that truth seems to be a generation behind the textbook histories. Can we wait that long, to take the best of what the man has to offer? I recommend we don’t. My suggestion is that we examine the man just as we examine our own inner landscape. The Dalai Lama has become almost synonymous with the word, ‘Peace’. So let’s acknowledge that this was partially afforded to him at the cost of American taxpayers. Maybe then we can cash in on our investment, and begin living out peace on earth.

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