Fox News Pull Judge Napolitano After His Trump Wiretap Claims...

Fox News, the so called "Conservative" news option & No. 1 watched news network on Television has put Judge Napolitano on a black list and will no longer invite them to speak on their programming as a pundit. People need to seriously start taking a wide broad look at what is happening on TV & the internet in regards to censorship of peoples ideas & opinion and ask yourself. "Am I getting the whole story, the story from every angle, OR am I getting the story the executives WANT us to see.

It is now & has been BLATANTLY obvious in my opinion that you can no longer go to just one source for all your information. More & more INDEPENDENT news companies like Infowars and others are becoming the places to get the REAL story.

I have a theory & test for people who can't take the leap into independent news sources:

  1. See/Read a story on any one or multiple Main Stream Media News Organization (Fox/CNN/MSNBC)
  2. Read the same story on multiple news Independent News Organizations (Infowars/Daily Caller/Vice)
  3. Check social media platforms on the story and see everyday peoples opinions
  4. Make your own assesment based on the info given from these 3 platforms
  5. MOST IMPORTANT - Don't let your bias sway your sense of reality!!!

That last step may be the hardest for some but in my opinion most important! Don't let MSM sway your opinion of life because it is a false reality!!

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