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"No More Fake News" Outside the Reality Machine

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"The universe does not allow for free will"

Physics, free will, and imagination

By Jon Rappoport

PART ONE: Conventional physicists will tell you that none of the components of the universe (atoms, electrons, photons, quarks, wavicles) exhibits freedom.

The particles don't contain anything that could be called freedom.

Physicists will also tell you that everything in the universe, including human bodies and brains, is made up of these very same particles and nothing else.

They will tell you that mind is simply and only the brain.

Therefore, nowhere in body, brain, or mind is there any quality that makes freedom possible.

Freedom=the power of an individual to choose A rather B; to decide to do something or not do it; to invent a possibility and then follow it with action.

According to conventional physics, there is no freedom. It's not possible. It's a fantasy.

That's the consensus of the conventional physicists. Contrary to every impulse, awareness, or thought you might have about your freedom, you're wrong. You're absolutely deluded.

Aside from the majestic absurdity of the physicists' position, you should also know that, in the partnership between government and science, there is no limit on what programming will be tried on citizens---because, since key persons in that elite partnership are convinced that freedom is an illusion, it doesn't matter what they do to us.

It's just replacing one deterministic program with another.

That's their view, and I hope you understand it.

If you pushed them into a corner, they would assert that the entire history of the struggle to attain freedom for the individual, against top-down tyrannies, was a meaningless enterprise---because, according to their "findings," freedom never existed at any time, anywhere. It could never exist. Life is only unconscious particles moving through space and time.

But we, who know how ridiculous that story is, need to admit something:

Since is freedom is quite real, it exists outside the fabric of the physical. Freedom is non-material.

And this is a bolt of lightning. It is, when viewed properly, an inspiration of the first order.

It opens up limitless territory.

If individual freedom is that huge and that profound, then what does that say about the potential of the individual?

The most important covert ops are aimed at rejecting this potential, at making us believe we are dues-paying card-carrying members of Automatic Predetermined Life.

That's the materialistic op. That's the "Spiritual CIA."

That's the issue which will decide our future.

How much freedom and, therefore, power will we admit we have?

What fake shrunken stories will we sell ourselves, in order to slip back into the materialistic cocoon?

The philosophy and "science" of materialism is about far more than the intellectual discussion of what humans are and aren't. It's about you. It's about what you're capable of, once you offload the imposed limits of this "normal" civilization.

Getting the picture?

And how does a person begin to think about a stunningly expanded notion of his own freedom? Not by consulting "things as they are." Instead, he uses the faculty which has been downplayed as a plaything for children---when in fact it is a limitless faculty:


PART TWO: You're in a tower, that place from which you can write what had never been in your mind before.

You can topple false gods and grind them down and make soup out of the flour. You're rearranging the closets of reality. You're the riverboat gambler. There is no sentimental attachment to the mob, the crowd, the mass, the group.

The whole point of readers is the possibility that they'll suddenly be brought up short. In your words, they'll see a few drops of rain falling out of a sky that has no clouds. They'll catch on. They'll realize that invention is the joker in the deck---and they can not bother to play the game at all. Because there is a new activity above the game.

When the poet follows one line with a massive leap into another line, and when the connection isn't ordinary but somehow makes a startling amount of sense, the poet has demonstrated, in a very specific way, that he's flying. He's flying and running with great giant strides. Out of the gloom.

One page, 50 pages, 100 pages, it doesn't matter. The walls and ceiling, somewhere, are shattering. It's as if, somewhere in the world, on a street corner, where planes of the sky meet, a few people notice the stitching that holds them together, and it's coming apart. The sky breaks open, and another sky sits behind it.

That is magic, and it doesn't matter to the writer how many people realize it. That isn't his preoccupation. If it were, he would never be able to pull off the feat.

He came from a town with water wheels and a river and mysterious old blackened factories sitting on the banks. In the factories, reality was manufactured in uncountable and unconscionable ways. The products slid down the ramps of the loading docks. They were artifacts of the wizards of Is. The wizards were populating the world with this Is and that Is and millions of Is. They were in the business of telling him all about essences. They were sending him their physical and metaphysical messages about existence, about its composition and makeup and meaning and he was supposed to crawl up inside those shining objects and feel his way along them. But he found his inherent power to reject them. By going beyond them.

The writer invented another world, and the reader saw that.

The reader said, "Maybe I can do that, too."

PART THREE: These are notes I made while preparing my collection, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX---

"The ancient practice of magic, the occult, the ceremonial, the transcendent relies on, and refers back to imagination. The seeker---without him knowing it---was nudged into engaging with his own imagination."

"That was the key. But the engagement was concealed. Therefore, the experiences and effects were spotty and unreliable. The direct road is knowing you are imagining and inventing and creating."

"The one exception in ancient times was Tibet. There the practitioners were consciously creating reality. I'm updating their practices with dozens of my own imagination exercises. None of these exercises requires some metaphysical belief in a system or a religion."

"Creative power is the bottom line. With enough imagination- practice comes an unending series of insights, unique to each individual."

Invent a better reality.

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