Judge Overseeing Cohen Case, Who Ordered Sean Hannity’s Name Outed, Performed George Soros' Wedding Ceremony


The New York Times, along with many other outlets, recently claimed Sean Hannity was a client of Michael Cohen, one of President Trump's personal lawyers. Cohen's home, office and hotel room were raided by FBI agents on the morning of April 9th.

Per the NYT article (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/16/business/media/sean-hannity-michael-cohen-client.html):

"In a legal filing before the hearing on Monday, Mr. Cohen said that, since 2017, he had worked as a lawyer for 10 clients, seven of whom he served by providing 'strategic advice and business consulting.' The other three comprised Mr. Trump, the Republican fund-raiser Elliott Broidy and a third person who went unnamed.

"The mystery was solved when Kimba M. Wood, a judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, ordered that Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, Stephen Ryan, disclose the name of the client in question — who turned out to be Mr. Hannity."

Hannity posted a series of tweets on Monday defending himself:





Surprisingly enough, a 2013 article from Page Six (https://pagesix.com/2013/09/20/political-bigs-expected-at-george-soros-wedding) revealed the following about Judge Wood's past dealings with a... questionable individual:

"Billionaire investor George Soros, 83, will marry 42-year-old Tamiko Bolton today, followed by a huge party at his Caramoor Estate in Bedford, with 500 guests.

"Kimba Wood, a federal judge, will perform the non-denominational ceremony, which will be attended by members of the couple’s families, including his five children, a source familiar with the arrangements told Reuters."

It is rumored Soros has used his vast fortune to fund numerous protests both here in the United States and abroad, as well as provoke 'Colour Revolution' movements and even the overthrow of governments.

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