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Atambayev: "the Country needs to help without any conditions and not think that we will run errands

At his press conference on Monday, August 1 in Cholpon-ATA, the head of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev not only talked about how presidential elections will take place in 2017 and what will happen to the country. But also made loud statements about the recent decisions of strategic partners – Russia, Turkey and the United States6794867_8004143.jpg)The Turkish leadership was heavily criticized in connection with its requirement for CU to remain on the sidelines against the fight with supporters of the alleged ideologist of the coup attempt in the country preacher and philosopher Fethullah Gulen and against them to take "appropriate measures" to prevent the deterioration of relations between the two brotherly countries. In practice, this may mean the closure of the International University "Ataturk Ala-Too" and more than 20 educational institution "Sebat" spreading the ideas of gülen in the country. In Kyrgyzstan, almost for the first time in the history of diplomatic relations of the foreign Ministry sharply enough responded to the offer of their foreign colleagues, noting in the return statement that Kyrgyzstan is a sovereign state, "which is itself in a position to understand and decide what is good and what is bad." The Turkish side called "incorrect", because of the desire of the foreign Minister Mr. çavuşoğlu "to indicate to another state on the need to take certain actions, and in the language of ultimatums and blackmail." Also it was noted that the appeal of the Turkish side regarding acting on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic private Turkish educational institutions received and carefully studied. If necessary, will be taken "adequate and timely measures," however, the question of staying on the Kyrgyz territory agencies under secret or explicit patronage of Fethullah Gulen, according to the Ministry of foreign Affairs KR – "exclusively an internal affair of the state." Despite a warning by Turkey that followed this statement, and talking about the possibility of a coup by the hands of saratovtsev and others like them, Atambaev spoke out against Turkey's attempts to influence the desire of the Republic to cooperate with anyone else sharper than the Kyrgyz foreign Ministry.

  • It is absurd. If such clever, why we slept through a revolution? Of course, all councils will listen and check the information. And to scare, or to teach us is not necessary. Scare we. Information about "Sebate" will check. But they work according to our standards and we need quality training
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