HEADLINES: Wednesday, August 30th, 2017 - Hurricane Harvey, Houston, Transgenders in Military, Estonia = EU Silicon Valley, and More

Alternative Media

Five Reasons Why Trump Was Right to Pardon Arpaio
Reid: Trump’s ‘Disturbing’ Response to Harvey Shows He Can’t ‘Understand’ ‘Human Scale of Misery’
Bozell & Graham Column: The Liberal Media Didn't Work Against Hillary
Mattis: Transgenders May Continue in Military Pending 'Seasoned Judgment' of Experts
CNS News
WATCH: Spontaneous Gospel Singing Fills Harvey Evacuation Shelter
Trump Finally Breaks His Silence On North Korea: "Talking Is Not The Answer!"
New Uber CEO's "Welcome Aboard" Gift: Another Federal Investigation
Wall Street Journal Lashes Out At "Our Political Central Bankers"

Alternative Media Section II

Why Pardons Might Not End Russia Prosecutions
Political Wire
Hurricane Visit Was All About the Crowd Size
Political Wire
Trump Complains Of Critical Coverage From ‘Dying Magazines’: ‘WHY?’
Mattis On Trump’s North Korea Tweet: ‘We’re Never Out Of Diplomatic’ Options
Ivanka Trump Supports WH Move To Halt Obama-Era Equal Pay Proposal
The Economy Minus Houston
No, Mattis Did Not Freeze Trump’s Transgender Troops Ban
Judging Neil Gorsuch

Mainstream Media

Harvey crashes into Texas and Louisiana, bringing new waves of punishing rain
The Washington Post
U.N. Condemns North Korea’s Latest Missile Tests, but Takes No Action
The New York Times
The Finance 202: Trump speech will bash rigged system. But tax outline would benefit 1 percent.
The Washington Post
Kremlin says it got the Trump Tower email but didn’t respond
The Washington Post
‘Nashville Statement’: Evangelical Leaders Release Sexuality Manifesto
NBC News
US Successfully Shoots down Medium-Range Test Missile near Hawaii
Voice of America
U.S. Airstrikes Block Convoy Transferring ISIS Fighters
The New York Times
Death toll from Mumbai floods jumps to 14, rain eases up

Steem #News

Estonia - European Silicon Valley ?
Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein May Have To Face Trial
The Police Don't Require Further Militarization
Raekwon The Rapper From Wutang Enters Crypto - Are Celebrities Starting To Sit Up And Take Notice?
Russia Backpedals On Bitcoin - Unveils Plan To Ban Cryptocurrency Sales To "Ordinary People"
Victim Family of London's Grenfell Tower Inferno Release Crime Report Alleging Fire To Be Satanic Mass Murder. Whistleblower 'Ronald Bernard's Testimony Used As Evidence.
The Power and Danger of Statistics

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