Israel is using lizards as a spy, claims Iran

Iran's former army chief Hasan Firuzabadi has recently claimed that Iran is trying to find Iran's uranium mine using the Gurgaite.
On Feb 13, Hassan Firuzabadi told this Iranian language news agency Iran Labor News Agency (ILNA) News Live Science

Hassan Firuzabadi is currently the adviser to Senate Ayatollah Ali Khamene, Iran's highest religious leader. He has commented on the arrest of environmentalists in Iran for a few days.

He said he did not know much about the arrests. But Western countries have previously monitored Iran with the help of tourists, scientists and environmentalists.

He said, 'A few years ago some people came to Iran to get relief for Palestine. We suspect the way they travel. They had several types of lizards. We see that these lizards draw an atomic wave and they were actually spies. They had uranium mine in Iran and wanted to know about where nuclear activity is going on.

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