NO freedom! Robot drones are coming !!!

Hi friends Steemit,

The Black Mirror series apparently got into black again. It was released in 2016 as part of a serial episode called Hateful in the Nation, whose main idea was based on murderous robotic bees. The evolving bee company claimed that it was always under control and did not use it for side-tasks besides plant pollination, but the hacker hit the system and let people sadistically kill.


There was virtually no defense against robotic bees, so they could not only serve as a means of espionage but also as murder machines. Of course, the story was a little bit overhead, but Walmart has recently asked for patenting of a number of farms.


One of the patents also describes autonomous robotic drones, which should be able to pollinate, but also spray with different pesticides, and make sure that farming works more efficiently. Using robotic bees could reduce the cost of land management, and Walmart could gain more control over the food it sells in its stores.


The pollination of plants is undergoing a major crisis, which is mainly due to the extinction of bees. Bees are the cornerstone of our diet, even though we do not realize it at first glance. However, their population is declining significantly. That's why robotic bees could be the solution to this situation, and so we will have to believe that their cameras and sensors are not lending to government or hackers who could very quickly exploit them.


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