General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) which took place

General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) which took place on Friday (20/4/2018), decided to re-overhaul the board of directors of PT Pertamina (Persero).

In this reshuffle, Elia Massa Manik was removed from his position as President Director of Pertamina. In addition there are four other positions that undergo an overhaul.

"The Minister's minister (BUMN) as the GMS has made a decision that is the dismissal of Pertamina directors and the appointment of directors of Pertamina," Fajar Harry Sampurno, Ministry of SOE Ministry of SOE,

It was further explained that the decree that had been given at 2:00 pm decided to dismiss the president director, director of megaprojects, processing and petrochemicals, asset management director, and director of corporate marketing.

The position of the managing director will be temporarily occupied by Executive Officer (Plt) Director and Director of Human Resources Nicke Widyawati

"Plt (Executive Officer) President Director and Director of human resources Nicke mother to wait for a definitive position," said Harry.

Here the composition of the board of directors are removed:

  1. Elijah mass beads, President Director
  2. Much Iskandar, Director of Corporate Curious
  3. Toharso, Processing Director
  4. Dwi W Daryoto, Director of Asset Management
  5. Ardhy N. Mokobombang, Director of Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia

Then the AGM's decision letter appoints:

  1. Budi Santoso Syarif, Director of Processing
  2. Basuk Trikora Putra, Director of Corporate Marketing
  3. Masud Hamid, Director of Retail Marketing
  4. M. Haryo Junianto, Director of Asset Management
  5. Heru Setiawan, Director Director of Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia
  6. Gandhi Sriwidjojo, Director of Infrastructure
  7. Nicke Widyawati, President Director and Director of Human Resources
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