Brigitte Macron in Greece: First lady arouses unprecedented enthusiasm

All eyes are on the wife of Emmanuel Macron during their official journey.
Despite the sad news related to the passage of Hurricane Irma on the French West Indies, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron ensure their commitments. As planned in the presidential agenda, the couple has been in Greece since 7 September to carry out an official visit to the Hellenic Republic.
Hosted by President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and his wife Vlassia Pavlopoulou-Peltsemi during a welcome ceremony held at the presidential palace in Athens, the French head of state and his wife could not hide their emotion of knowing the devastated West Indies. Thus, during his joint intervention with his Greek counterpart, Emmanuel Macron thanked him for his solidarity in the face of this unprecedented natural disaster.
"I want above all to have a few words to thank you also for your remarks concerning my compatriots who were hit yesterday by a hurricane and it is France that has been touched, we have several deaths. to draw any balance sheet whatsoever, very heavy material damage, French and French people astonished by what they experienced after the violence of what fell on them, "said Emmanuel Macron, very affected. "I had the opportunity yesterday to hold a first crisis meeting, the Prime Minister is now with several ministers at the interministerial crisis cell, he will make an assessment this afternoon. France as a whole is mobilized on this subject, and I thank you, Mr President of the Republic, for your sincere words of solidarity, "the French president continued in his speech published in its entirety on the site of the Élysée.
As planned in the official program, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron then went to Pnyx Hill, where democracy was invented, so that the French president would present his project of "re-founding" for a more democratic Europe. This official intervention took place in the presence of the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his discreet companion Betty Batziana. So many appearances during which Brigitte Macron was particularly scrutinized.

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