CNN's End? 🗺️ Trumps Commits Worst Decision As President☣️ WTH?!

~>CNN's End? Trumps Commits Worst Decision As President <~ 👀 video

Howdy folks, here's another real NEWs update for June 27, 2017.. I go into the expose on CNN which will hopefully propel it to spiral into non-existance - and Donald Trump’s latest memo that's drawing us toward World War III.

If this independent news organization that you are watching right now proves anything, it is the very fact that you can be both against the fake mainstream, whore stream, presstitutes, fake news media and at the same time be able to criticize Donald Trump and his administration for the terrible policies they're pushing on the rest of the world.

Those two are not exclusive to each other and it’s okay to be against both of them, to think for yourself and not choose sides. Both of the sides suck huge, major donkey balls.

The most important story I wanna go into today, is the White House Press Secretary's ominous memo stating that another possible Syrian chemical attack is possible.

They are saying “The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before it’s April 4, 2017 chemical weapons attack.” He then goes on to say “If, however, Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price.”

This statement shows how the Trump Administration is lying through their teeth, and supposedly, the State Department did not know that the White House was releasing this statement.

In the statement the Press Secretary discusses the potential of Syria to use chemical weapons to mass murder civilians and innocent children. This is a damn lie, as Trumps assaults on Syria have been mainly targeting civilians in that region, including many children, that they have been dropping bombs on.

If the U.S. really cared about children, they would not be currently bombing Yemen and helping to create the worst humanitarian crisis on this planet. All this directly a result of Donald Trumps foreign policy actions with Saudi Arabia. The United States does not give a damn about children but are pretending to do so by releasing this statement, in order to justify further military action to kill more innocents.

This is insane as the statement also reads “the activities are similar to preparations the regime made before it's April 4th, 2017 chemical weapons attack”, now if you remember it was Ivanka Trump the wife of Jared Kushner who influenced Donald Trump in order to launch military strikes against the Syrian government because he supposedly saw a video of innocent children hurt from our alleged chemical weapons attack inside of Syria.

Meanwhile that chemical weapon attack that Trump is using in his statement, to justify the future plans for an attack against Syria, Russia, China, and Iran was never investigated by the United States. They never even waited to find out exactly what really happened. They launched bombs anyway. Previously even the United Nations accused the Syrian rebels and radical Islamic terrorists that are fighting against the Syrian government of using chemical weapons.

The most probable thing that happened during the supposed first chemical weapons attack that the United States is now referring to, is that the Syrian government bombed a rebel chemical weapons depot.

Then because the rebel depot was bombed which contained the chemical weapons, it spread into that town and affected the people in it.

The United States did not investigate, because they did not want to find out what exactly happened, but used this as a justification to bomb the Syrian government and it's air force.

The Syrian government on some instances has even been complying and removing their chemical weapons. This is even according to The Wall Street Journal.

Honestly whether they have chemical weapons or not is unknown but the question has to be asked why would President Assad with the forces of the Iranians and Russians and support of the Chinese who were defeating radical Islamic terrorists the rebel groups and ISIS inside of their country, successfully repelling them, why would he jeopardize that when he was defeating them. Thus providing the United States with an excuse to further expand this war against them. Geo-politically it makes no sense at all and there was no incentive for him to use the chemical weapons.

Now to make the situation much worse the UN ambassador to Donald Trump, Nikki Haley just tweeted this, “that any further actions done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia and Iran who support him killing his own people.”

Which ultimately if you take their word for what it is, this is a perfect strategy for radical Islamic terrorists. Since all terroists and rebel groups have to do is stage a chemical weapons attack and blame it on the Assad regime. Then the United States will come in bomb Assad, do a complete regime change, kick him out of office, and allow these very terrorists that have been making attacks all over the world to have complete control of the country.

In translation, she is really saying that we are moving forward with regime change right now. The consequences of those actions will be disastrous, as we already saw what happened in Iraq, in Libya, and in Afghanistan. Which was the radical Islamic terrorism that grew and spread, from US intervention and funding of the terrorists. The United States is still continuing with this plan.

The only person who makes sense down in Washington DC, is representative Tulsi Gabbard, who just came out and said that the media establishment is pushing for regime change & are ignoring the greater consequences.

She is also the same congresswoman who proposed the “stop arming terrorists” bill in the United States which only had 13 members of the US representatives vote for it. So yeah, only 13 members of our government, are really against the United States actions, most are directly for sponsoring and financing radical Islamic terrorist groups.

That is the reality of the situation that you won't hear on the mainstream media, that they have been working in collusion with the deep state in order to push for more war, more regime change, more expansion of radical Islamic terrorism. Resulting in more rebel groups and more problems for all of us.. While they sit back and create this problem, reaction, solution dialectic, that allows them to have more power. The ultimate conclusion of Donald Trump's policies is the empowerment of Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Now it's important to understand here how will Russia respond, of course they won't take this sitting down and they are publicly saying that this U.S. warning over Syrian chemical weapons is unacceptable.

The Russians just a few days ago, warned that they would shoot down US airplanes after the US military targeted Syrian planes that were bombing ISIS.

Already a US drone was shot out of the skies over Syria, the Syrians are warning Israel, after Israel has been acting like the air force for the rebel groups and radical Islamic terrorists, saying that the Syrians will respond if the Israeli military keeps attacking the Syrian military, when they're trying to defeat these rebel groups.

U.S. jets just weeks ago attacked Iranian backed militiamen who are fighting against radical Islamic terrorists.

Now even the Belgian Air Force is announcing that they are leaving the U.S. coalition along with the Australians are leaving because they do not want war with Russia.

Even though Belgium and Australia see this potential risk of a global conflict between the governments of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Syrian rebels versus China, Russia, Iran, and the Syrian government.

They are leaving, but for some reason the United States is still threatening Syria, Russia, and Iran with war.

The alliances here are very clear, with major implications for geopolitical standing between the world's biggest superpowers. I have to say this again to clarify that the Chinese are supporting the Syrian government, the Russians are fighting with the Syrian military, alongside the Iranians.

On the other side of this they are fighting the rebels that are being supported by Israel, the United States, and Saudi Arabia. These are two major factions that the United States right now with their memo is laying down the groundwork and ultimately trying to get justification for a much larger war. This is exactly what today's memo was.

I also want to mention this because there's a lot of independent alternative fake news people out there, who claim that Donald Trump still has good intentions. They are still making excuses for Trump saying things like “this is all just H.R. McMaster and it is not Trump calling the shots”, and I have to say those people are either knowingly naive, or they are knowingly lying to you. There is no way you could blame this on the globalist national security adviser to Donald, H.R. McMaster, who Donald Trump personally picked after firing Michael Flynn who was his former national security adviser.

Mr. Flynn did not want war with Russia so Trump replaced him with H.R. McMaster when he knew he wanted war with Russia. This statement came directly from the White House, from Donald Trump's own press secretary and all of his previous actions, which we have documented to you on this channel repeatedly shows that the agenda is very clear towards more war. You won't hear that on the mainstream media.

Which brings us to the second most important story that happened today and that is an incredible project Veritas investigative piece. That exposes the inner workings of CNN, finally proved something that I've been talking about for a very long time on this channel. That most of the Russian Trump stories are fake, complete “bull-expletive” and used in order to get revenue. The video is astonishing and will be in the description below.

From the video “this is ratings, our ratings are incredible right now it's mostly ‘bull-sh!+’ right now.. Like we don't have any big giant proof.” - CNN Producers

Project Veritas actually got a main executive CNN producer on hidden camera admitting that the stories are ‘bull-sh!+’ and used to have ratings. We've been telling you this is a UGE distraction away from the actual news, and finally with the great work of project Veritas, this is proved! This is not the only hot water that CNN is in as they just had three journalists resign over another fake Russian story that they ran from an anonymous source, that proved to be untrue.

I really think this is criminal because as the mainstream media as CNN was obsessing about this non-existent Russian Trump collusion, they've been allowing the Trump administration to get away with horrible geopolitical foreign policy moves that have caused the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people all around this world. Which could potentially lead to a bigger disaster.

Now of course CNN is offering retractions, but we are also seeing internal emails of their executive editor demanding full review of all future Russian related stories, with no exceptions.

What I ultimately hope happens from all of this is that we could finally see the destruction of CNN, as they have been proven time and time again as being utter, complete, fake news. Hopefully they lose all their legitimacy, their whole audience, their entire platform, and we can see the rise of real alternative media take their place by doing their job better!

I may be a little bit optimistic, but that's what I hope for, and if you believe in that idea check out our Patreon campaign because as real independent media we rely on your sponsorship, your donations in order to keep this independent news organization running.

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