That's Horrible - those [bleep]ing [bleep] Genocidal Brazilians.

In the 70s we were all about saving the rainforest, but WTF have the Brazilians done to themselves. Such Pieces Of [bleep].
Killing or allowing the killing of indigenous people, not far different than Genocidal Israel, take their land for ...MONEY.
Brazil's just a Piece Of [bleep].
Killed all this indigenous person's relatives so he's the only one left.
What's all this [bleep] about him having to prove he still exists. This is CORRUPT [bleep]. The land all these people are on should be protected forever. Brazil should instead be asking for proof people have not been on his land.........
Such a SAD story. BRAZIL - couldn't run a [bleep]ing lemonade stand. [Bleep] Brazil, treat them like Genocidal Israel and boycott all their products.

Image: Public c/o https:// File:Caboclo_by_Jean-Baptiste_Debret_1834 . jpg

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