politics in the third world

politics as we all know is a means or process in which people get into a political position in order to govern or represent others in government. politics create an avenue for people. in politics people seek political position by canvassing the support of the people they intend to represent, politics is a game, where the contest with the highest number of vote grab or win the position contested for. in this same game interest supecede other things, that is why it is usually said that in politics there is no permanent friend or enemy but permanent interest. politics brings people with like minds or ideologies together. it gives room for those that are into it to strategize on how to convince the electorates to support and vote for them. it also give room for those seeking for support to express themselves for the general public to access if they are credible and articulate enough to be voted for or not, it also create rooms for ideas on how to develop the economy.


politics in the third world seems complicated, it is a means where the strongest and the richest take over power, those that are elected or appointed, enrich themselves with government funds. even many couldnt afford a big car before they were elected or appointed, in less than 3 months after been elected or appointed they buy fleet of cars and gigantic buildings, and bring poverty to the electorates. politics in the third world create a scene where elected members who are to make good laws that should be of benefit to the electorates have turned legislative floor into a boxing ring. (nigeria is an example where the house of rep members exchange punches in front of the masses and camera and the world at large watching them .) politics in the third world is sometimes referred to as a war front cause people are killed either by hoodlums, assassins or stray bullets. it is characterized with fear cause some politicians are assassinated, this make some citizen flee from participating. politics in the third world is a situation where those who knows the truth cease to speak it either for selfish interest (benefiting from government in power) or fear of been harassed by law enforcement agents on whose affair is been controlled by government, (let us use NIGERIA as a case of study, where EFFCC harass those that speak the government in power). politics in the third world is also a means in which the masses heart are been edged out by money bags, by politicians and hoodlum in order to create an avenue to gain the national treasury and wealth for their generation. politics in the third world also create means by which those elected, appoint their loyalist even when their loyalist can not do the required job, maybe is a way of compensating them. also when those elected completes their tenure, they manipulate the electoral forces in favor of their loyalist,snatching ballot boxes in favor of their client. this is also a case where voters are induced with money in other for them to sell their conscience. (a situation where the electoral umpire who are to ensure that political parties play by the rule of the game)compromising in the charge of their duties. so as to be succeded by them in order for their mess to be covered up. politics in the third world is a means in which those who seek to be elected are initiated by their party leaders into a cult they belong in just to get a leadership support. this makes the politics in the third world a laughing community.

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