Netflix leaving the fight for Net Neutrality is the very reason we need to fight in the first place.

Netflix, once a wall in the path of anti-neutrality legislation, has left the fight. Essentially saying "we can get big-boy deals now."

Stupid netflix

Netflix has historically been a large proponent to neutral-net protections. They were the underdogs, they would have needed the protection to garner their success today. Netflix cared a great deal about an open and free internet back in 2012; they have stood up time and time again in the face of attacks against Internet​ freedoms.

Now that they are "one of the big players" now, the company's views on neutral neutrality have shifted.

Their CEO, Reed Hastings responds to net neutrality:

"It's not our primary battle at this point"

"We're big enough to get the deals we want"


Netflix does not care about the impacts of saving net neutrality, they no longer impact their position at the lead of the streaming market.

I think neutrality-preserving regulations are going to be crucial to Netflix keeping their position at the top. A stark contrast to the actions being taken by the present Netflix corporation. Netflix might be able to strike some lucrative deals in the short term - their position in the market guiding those deals. I believe these deals could cause Netflix to stagnate; the protections of net neutrality ensure fair competition and require services to be creative and innovative in their approach to keep consumers.

Too bad Netflix is finding themselves on the wrong side of history. Money talks. Reality talks louder.


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