The Anger Grows in Sweden: Asylum seekers get good housing - Old, Swedish pensioners sent into homelessness... Plus link and in-Spiration!

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I love you all!

Inspirational quote! - Source: @kongen (inspired by other quotes but made uniquely by me):

  • You were born a living, loving, feeling animal with Flesh, Bones and Blood. You were born Free.
    You have been born with the responsibility to respect other life and treat your fellow animals, including humans, with love and kindness, and with a life-spirit provided by the Nature itself.
    Your eternal and indestructable rights and abilities are FOR Life, Freedom, Social Learning and Fellowship.
    You should respect those rights of other human beings and animals on this planet, our home.
    The more of nature you can respect and let live, the better!

  • Today, I am sharing this News Article about the rising problems in Scandinavia. This is about Sweden, but the same kind of fenomenon is also happening in Denmark, Germany and other European countries.

  • I want to say, that I also want to help all refugees and asylum seekers on our planet. I am not against immigration, I just know that it is something we have to control, for us to be able to maintain our culture, freedom and respectfull way of living WITH each other and not AGAINST each other..

  • When you see all these crimes of murders, rapes, theft, sabotage on cars and motorcycles, stonethrowings being committed by the persons with immigrant backgrounds. Then you start to change your attitude and become very realistic and sceptical. Many women and children do not have this scepticism, because we are such a loving and warm culture and people. This is something that many immigrants are experts in taking advantage of.

  • I have personally been told by a person with immigrant background, in my home city, that he can get me arrested by the police if he wants. That was shocking to hear, even though I know, that if he called the police on me, they would rather just give him a fine for calling them without reason, than take me with them.

  • On the other hand, the corruption of Government and Police departments are high and rising in many countries on our planet, so that you never know what might happen and who will try to fuck with you or your family without any reason other than being corrupt and evil and nasty humans.

  • Unfortunately we are not all like Aragorn, Legolas and Jon Snow... There are people like Ramsay Bolton, Andreas Andreassen, Givara Yousif Hamawandi and Michael Moth Madsen out there. Now, fortunately the last 3 I mentioned have been put in jail for a sentence of 12 years each. They are jailed for the killing of Jesper Skovbo in Aalborg of Denmark.
    And who were the killers in the Las Vegas Shooting Massacre?
    And all the other new Terror attacks that has happened? The Western world is under attack in a very serious way, and there is a very real need to use our Militaries to stop this crazyness while we have a chance to stop it!

  • Will our Governments do the right thing in time? We will see. Well, the ones of us who survive, that is. With out eyes intact.

Here is the article I was reading. Maybe you dont think it is anything special, but it is new and authentic! First, it is translated into English for the Global Audience here on Steem. Afterwards are the link to the Danish Article and the Swedish filmed report.


Martin Lannehjelm was an electrician and lived a good life, like so many other Swedes.

Today he is a retiree and homeless. He got divorced and could not get an apartment. The ones, that he can get, he can not afford to pay the rent on.

Now he has to drive by Bus and S-train every night to keep warm and sleep. It is hard and unworthy, and he dreams of getting an apartment and his old "Svensson life" back.

But it may have a long outlook. There is a shortage of housing in Sweden. There are hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers, who have received many of the available apartments and rooms.

It has created several hundred homeless retirees in Stockholm, and the number is growing. A Swedish TV reporter has spent two nights together with the homeless pensioners. SVT

It embarrassed me like a dog, "said the young journalist after his meeting with the older countrymen, who try to huttle through life.

  • Soup Kitchen for the homeless pensioners

The report begins with the Swedish Minister of Finance, who says, that it is going well with the Swedish economy.

But there is another Sweden.

We are now at a Soup Kitchen for homeless pensioners in Stockholm.

Here is Carl Silverstål, one of the volunteering helpers:

"It is tragic that the welfare we are talking about in Sweden is not for everyone. It makes me sad," he says.

He tells of a pensioner who has been working for 45 years. Now he has paid 6.500 crowns a month, and his apartment costs 9.000 crowns a month. "How can it be reasonable?" Asks Silverstål.

Most homeless pensioners have been working all their life and now they are out in the cold. It becomes clearer that anyone can end up in that situation, we hear in the report.

"They do not know where to go when the central station is closed at night," says Janne Stenderup, who is herself homeless.

A divorce is enough for you to end up in the street, when there is not enough housing.

  • Stina

It's probably worst for women, says the journalist. She speaks with "Stina", one of them. She is sleeping on a commuter train and in a shelter created by a church.

Stina tells how she has been repeatedly attacked and robbed of her money and cell phone.

"They can see you are retired, and they know that the pension will be paid around the 20th of the month," she says.

  • Astrid

It is the same for "Astrid", another homeless pensioner. She has also been robbed several times.

Astrid usually spends the night at a 24-hour open burger bar. Here are several of the homeless pensioners. She points to an older man sleeping with his head on the table.

"He's 85 years old, he could be your grandfather," she told reporters.

  • Martin

Martin Lannehjelm is 67 years old. He spends every night in buses and S-trains. He has a specific route that lasts all night. But he has to change the train and bus several times. He sleeps only in smaller naps and has to wait several times in the cold for the next bus or train.

The journalist is following him most of the route. But at last she gives up:

"I'm shaking with cold and fatigue. Martin is going the whole trip every single night and I can not even make a single night. I'm ashamed as a dog."

"It's not a good life - I'm longing for my life," Martin says.

  • There is a lack of housing

There are about 850 homeless pensioners today in Sweden, according to SVT. A sharp increase from 2011, where there were 350.

The problem is found throughout the country, but it is the worst in the big cities. In Stockholm, there has been an increase of 35 percent from 2015 to 2016.

"It's hard to get into the housing market today, especially for low income people," says Charlotta Fondén from the National Board of Health and Social Affairs to SVT.

Today there is housing shortage throughout the country. And the municipalities help families with children before they help retirees with different housing problems, she says.

There have been more reports in recent years about Swedes who have lost their homes because they should be used for asylum seekers and refugees. Some of them have been older homes that should be rebuilt. "Den Korte Avis" has written about several of them.

  • Are the problems having consequences for the forthcoming election to the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament)?

But what will Martin, Astrid and the others vote when the elections to the Riksdag come in September? The journalist would like to know.

And now the really surprising part comes in the otherwise politically correct Swedish TV.

They talk about refugees being a problem. Instead of taking care of their own citizens, the Swedish authorities spend money on asylum seekers and refugees. And it's also those who get the apartments.

"There is no money for them (the refugees), if you are going to take care of your own citizens," says Astrid.

"You see a 22-year-old Syrian immigrant get a two-room apartment in the middle of the city. We others have children and grandchildren who have to go working in our society. But they have nowhere to live. How long will they stay at home? "Asks Astrid.

She has previously voted for the Socialdemokratiet and Miljøpartiet. But now she is voting for Sverigedemokraterne.

"We want our country back. These savings have to end. "Look around", she says, pointing to a man sleeping with his head on the table.

Martin has not decided who he wants to vote for. But he does not rule out that it will be Sverigedemokraterne. "It must be a party that will build more homes. It can not be that difficult", he thinks.

"He knows more who will vote for Sverigedemokraterne. The other parties have nothing done."

Authors: Karen Jespersen and Ralf Pittelkow


So basically, as a native Scandinavian, the feeling we are getting up here, is that:

  • Our Governments have been manipulated into accepting to use our savings and taxing-income to pay for the living expenses of foreigners coming to settle down and live in our countries.

  • That we do not have so much money that we can pay for everything.

  • That sick and old Natives are being dealt with in a very cynical and hard way by authorities, when administering the social payments.

  • That our countries have gotten a reputation for being able to give out this welfare to foreigners coming to live in Scandinavia, and that the "word on the street" is that it is very good to go to try to settle down here. As an immigrant, tourist, refugee, asylum seeker or whatever category you can get in under...

  • That the Governments of Denmark and Sweden are increasingly being driven by the same kind of immigrant, anti-native people who are getting the most out of the welfare system and the new, mass invasion of Europe.

  • That Schools and public projects are having less and less money to continue operating. Many schools have already been forced to close down around Denmark.

  • That there is a general Utopian kind of view on our society structure. That a majority of people hold this viewpoint. This view is characterized by a lack of understanding that the money that makes the Government and all of its processes and subsidies possible in the first place, comes directly from the constructive work and services being operated in the private work sektor.

  • In Denmark we prioritize to have a stable economic model with low inflation on the money supply. This means that we cannot print more money, than what is lost in the economy due to damaged notes and dropped coins in the dirt and drainage system etcetera. We have between 2 and 5 percent inflation in general. Compared to Venezuela, with its 350 to 1500+ percent inflation, it is an extremely low inflation rate we have. It is a sign of less corruption.
    But in recent years we are also witnessing a higher inflation rate on the real price of food and housing. Higher than the official published rate.

  • Monetary System and electronic Voting checksystem.
    We need a totally transparent monetary system, where ordinary people can always check and make sure, that the income-tax money is used as it should be, and that no corruption takes place.
    As it is now, it is impossible for the citizens to follow the money-trail, without having speciel skills and contacts in how to request Official documents and statistics.

With our current society being fully developed with high-speed fiberoptic internet and enormous server-capacities, there exist absolutely no excuse for hiding the crucial information on the flow of money in our society!
It makes corruption possible and also threatens private identities because we the people cannot make the checks and lookups that help proactivate our common and individual online securities.

Furthermore, E-voting should be installed and used for both the big elections of Commune and Parliament, but also for smaller, local initiatives and to make opinion polls on demand, for free, for a more enlightened and connected society !
A cryptographic intermediate string or self-chosen reference word or sentence will make it possible to activate anonomous E-voting, if you do not want anyone to be able to look up what you voted for, when you voted or where.
They will not even be able to see that you have voted, but you will still be able to check that your vote was counted correctly. Everyone will be able to make this check.
THIS ability is THE ONLY WAY to make sure that E-voting is not misused and manipulated by insiders in Government, Mass Media, Deep State, Deep Finance, Military Industrial personnel, Foreign actors, Criminals or anyone really!

  • There is therefore a big need to shift these jobs away from being paid for by the taxing system and Government income. It is crucial, imperative and actually necessary for the survival of the "Welfare System". Everyone should be aiming for having a work-service where they generate a positive effect, that someone from the private seKtor will pay for recieving.

  • And as many freedom-loving Danes feel, we want to lower the taxing percentage in order to render more income into private hands, which will foster a better living standard and all kinds of positive results from a people with more money in their own hands!
    Paying 35-50 percent of your own hard-earned income away to a taxing authority, that you have no control of and that shows you no transparency and actually ignores many private person's messages and requests. This is not really a good feeling, compared to paying the locals in your society for the services that they offer, whether being selling you an apple and 4 carrots and 2 onions, or washing your house's windows or helping you repair your car...

  • But this is waaaay more info than one post of mine normally holds, therefore I will end it immidiately.
    Thank you for reading!

  • Kongen of Scandinavia!

Celebrating Springtime and Warming of our weather and happiness in Nature!

This is not me in the photo. :)

This is myself! ^^^^^^^^^^

Link to a great aspect on Marihuana and just recently uploaded:

  • Thank you for reading and have a very good Morning / ForMidday / MidDay / Day / AfterMidDay / Noon / Evening / Night !

yours truly and freely

  • Kongen - Heathen, GoodHearted Viking, Member of the Endangered, Natural Species of Planet Earth. With much love and injuries!

  • Remember to chew and swallow the Seeds of the fruits you eat. If you are not going to try to grow new plants with them or give them to a family-member or friend to grow it !

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