Make America Great

Very well said I completely agree. We the people are too dumb to govern ourselves have weapons or operate motor vehicles without a license even though every working citizen pays taxes that make all of these rights possible. But if you for some reason make a mistake even one that does not harm another person or any property all of the rights you pay taxes for can be stripped. But you still pay the same amount of taxes everyone else pays your just not a full citizen anymore therefore you voluntarily forfeit your basic rights that are suppose to be protected by our tax dollars. How can anyone be ok with that the idea that it does not affect me so let it go only works until it does affect you and trust me it will all ways get to that point in some form or another. I just wish I could get people to see and understand voting does not represent you anymore in our government and therefore we are being taxed without representation. Something our forefathers new a thing or two about. We can make America great again but sadly voting is not going to be the way to get there. Violence does not have to be the answer either. If every person that works simply said I am not going back to work until my voice is represented again and my tax money is used to represent me and not pay for sexual harassment or vacations or anything that I myself cant afford yet is the norm for politicians. Think about it tax money pays there salary are they really doing such a great job we should suffer or have to work two jobs because they need giant houses or secret service. Maybe people would not want to harm them if they actually helped us or were honest.

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